Carer socials and advice please

Sorry if this is the wrong section to post this, but are there any carer meets that happen?

Ideally I would like to meet other carers. I’m not too far from London.

I appreciate that it’s not easy at the moment with how things are with the virus situation.

I need a holiday or some kind of break. Today has been one of my bad days feeling low.

A lot of people didn’t bother with me when things got tough caring.

This is why it would be nice to meet others who can relate.

Hi Arcade,

sorry you are struggling more today than usual.

Did you check out these links from Sunnydisposition; Help and advice | Carers UK and Support where you live | Carers UK
though I suspect most support will be virtual at the moment.


Thank you Melly1

I keep forgetting to look at that area you sent the links to.

I am with a support group but events are too far from me even though they show up as my nearest.

The virtual online meets I think will help me.

Some days I struggle and find things get to me emotionally.

Thank you again

hope a cyber meet helps. Perhaps book a place whilst it’s fresh in your mind and then pop it on the calendar or set a reminder on your phone so you don’t forget.


I’ll do that and hopefully in time I’ll feel more at ease.

Thank you Melly1

Tell us more about your situation. Do you feel caring is now reaching the stage where you need to consider residential care?
What regular help would make a difference on a daily basis?