Autism dyslexia New

Hello I am new to this site and dyslexic. Finding this site very difficult.
I am new to looking after my daughter with autism and trying to make heads or tails with it .

Me myself I suffer from depression and anxiety. I work as well as my other half .
Looking for a bit of help if anyone is able to offer some supports and advise.

Where I stay at the moment doesn’t have any thing that is local for face to face contact . I would benefit from being dyslexic and anxiety issues a friendly face to talk to and help with guidance .
Thank you

Hi Stephanie,
Welcome to the forum.
I care for S, he is 27 now and has autism.

How old is your daughter? Are you getting any advice on how best to support her? (These strategies will make home life easier for all of you.)

Were you looking for a Carers Group in your area or the opportunity to meet other parents of children with autism/ special needs?
