Are you getting enough sleep?

We often hear how difficult it is to get enough sleep when you’re looking after someone. There are some tips for coping on this page - let us know if you have any others? Getting enough sleep | Carers UK

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I am frustrated beyond belief by Social Services. Couldn’t organise a party in a brewery! After 20 years they still ignore my health needs despite a G P’s letter, numerous formal complaints and LGO investigations!

Exercise helps. Try a walk. Or use a gym. Best wishes.

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Not in my case I’m afraid. Fine if you are young and fit. Not when you are a pensioner riddled with arthritis. I used to love the gym, but when peeling a potato is agony no way can I use gym equipment!


@bowlingbun I have arthritis too and find gentle yoga helpful or some mindfulness meditation. There’s an app called Calm which is very good.

I have long covid and I am getting about 2 or 3 hours a night. It’s a bloody nightmare. I’m with you @bowlingbun , not social services for me but the GP, they don’t care.

Like you, I struggle with day to day things due to aching joints, lack of sleep, etc, nowhere as bad as it is with arthritis but it boils my blood when people mention exercise and running. If I could, I would.

I’ve tried everything but nothing works. I was told to get up at 9am and look at the sky for half an hour (apparently it cheers you up and resets your sleep clock), no pop or tea/coffee, no junk, I’ve bought every remedy under the sun including gummies at over £100 a pop, I’ve even been on two sleep therapy courses, it’s made no difference at all. Sigh.

I’ve been doing some sewing this morning for eldest son, shoulders and hands complaining!