What would you put on yours?

I saw this poster and thought it was excellent; we all learn to be a combo of different expertises.

I’d put Mum, strongest and genuine advocate, autism specialist, dietician, taxi driver, social enabler, speech therapist, sensory OT, exercise coach …

What would you put on your poster?


Hmmmm I don’t think there’s a big enough wall for my poster :wink:
Great idea @Melly1 Hmmm I’d put Daugher and
On computer & cellphone - I’m IT Tech support (digital, printing)
On TV & phone - I can be loudspeaker / explainer
I am a project manager & events planner and sometimes an advance-location scout.
Secretary and administrative assistant: Calls, appointments, paperwork, filing, calendar management,
Finance, legal, insurance admin – admin, checker and updater
A researcher, learner-networker – for tips, hacks and info
Medical administrator: medical history, medications, allergies, contacts, doctor names & contacts
Communications expert & manager incl. cross-cultural liaising with family and ensuring each person/doctor/nurse/friend has the right info & loops are closed and gaps avoided!
A champion, advocate for us
An ally/activist of other carers
A negotiator
A coach and mentor of Mum and about eldercare to friends
An emergency planner and risk checker in house
Housekeeper, house repairer, cleaner and shopper
A cook and nutritionist
House Content – de-clutterer, sorter
An entertainer & entertainment specialist
An enabler & independence-supporter – incl. pre-chopping food, setting up ironing board, putting out tools for dusting, prepping things for sorting
A chauffeur
As @Charlesh47 says – a wheelchair outboard motor as well as a ‘Excuse-me’er’ and beep-beeper

A nurse. It’s kind of interesting how this is waaaaay down in my thinking! If I was doing this list in 2019 it may have been higher up my list. Then again, the actual nursing of Mum (even if it’s heart wrenching, is the easier ‘doing’ part)
Medications - pharmacist- checker, monitor, refills, reviewer of side-effects etc

Strategist – scenario planning with risk/safety measures and pre-emptive planning :wink:
All round Glue & bridge & comforter & buffer

Wow, Victoria - that’s like a carer’s CV!!


Mine would be

"Each day I am chef, cleaner, laundry-man and personal shopper

I am his Chauffeur, handyman, pharmacist, and fight his corner

I have to remember I am his Husband

Every day he tells me I am his Rock - not just his Carer."


@victoria “Glue” is the best ever!!! You hold EVERYTHING together.


@Melly1 Yep I’m afraid I’m showing my old corporate colours & mindset of how I was trained to comms- skillsets…also, more than happy to get on my soapbox to say how we-carers have the most underrated skillset…and are the best leaders…
to follow @Chris_22081 in poems

My all-time favourite words of wisdom by Viktor Frankl:
Between Stimulus and Response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In that response lies our growth and our freedom

@Chris_22081 Yep in Dad’s case literally and figuratively…gory stories aside…

Also AIR - to breathe and surround and cushion and hold them up…but to others completely invisible, …unless we’re a tornado…or waft a bad smell to get their attention :grin:

Years ago I was working on an information day for carers and professionals, along with my then boss and two people from another organisation. We discussed a roleplay to try to cover a carer’s day. Two of us were tasked with putting something together, so I prepped up a few notes for our meeting. We ended up using it without a change. The idea was to lay out a number of hats on a table, and as the narrator came to each job title, the carer put on the corresponding hat. There was also a “me” hat.

The idea was that the narrator would not wait for the carer to keep up with the narration, so as they fell behind they never, ever managed to get to the “me” hat. The last words, spoken by the carer, were “what about me?”

The whole thing lasted about 3 minutes, and we did it without a rehearsal. Our carer got to the point at one stage that she flung a hat off her head and then had to chase after it to put it back on. Unfortunately my manager wasn’t able to get a shot of the carer chasing the hat!

hats modified

There was a fair bit of uproar as an audience of about 100 had a good laugh at the antics - and there was a long silent pause as the punchline hit. The current CEO has adapted it as the language has changed a bit in the nearly 20 years since I wrote it - but it still has an impact when it’s presented to professionals as a way of trying convey the stress of caring.


Bravo - very cool @Charlesh47!
@Michael_CarersUK - a great idea! would be a simple video to raise awareness! Or for your conference!

Waaaay back in the days I did market research in pharma, we’d set up a couple of ‘stations’ where we had weighted suits or big gloves, to simulate disabilities e.g. so people got hands-on experience of what it’s like trying to get pills out of foil packs and opening bottles when you have arthritic, gnarled hands…similar simulated hands-on experiences could go far in educating non-carers…I’d quite like to see some MPs ‘experience’ caree and carer situations! :wink:

Bravo !! @Charlesh47

This is what I’ve put on my CV skills section

Expert at spelling, reading and writing
Talented artist/craftswoman
Good at reading maps as well
Can sing
Knows first aid
Gifted poet

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Thara you have lots of great things to put on your CV; but what would you put on your poster about your skills as a carer to your caree?


I’m not sure. I haven’t thought about that one much. Maybe excellent paperwork skills and the ability to read things quickly. Also the ability to make brief summary notes and notice things too.

Who do you care for as in day to day caring?

Human database
Back up timekeeper/reminder
Head chef, stockist and nutritionist
Ocassional walking aid
Full time “Wing wife”


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Invisible dogs body, only remembered when something needs doing that no one wants to do?
Happy smiling helpful person who loves life?

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Lots of people. It depends.