Topic on ME and fibromyalgia


I have started a topic about ME and fibromyalgia here for you :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you melly1 my husband have both of them

That must make life difficult and a lot must fall on you.

Continuing the discussion from [Topic on ME and fibromyalgia]( my husband have both of them and it very had for him and sometime he need to go to bed with this and sleep in the afternoon.

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A lady I know suffers from that.
I told her to take Magnesium (in citrate form for easy absorption)
It has helped her a lot, Much about this on Google.

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Thanks for this. It’s much appreciated. I am the sole carer for my wife who has the condition.
She has it, we both suffer with it.


I had two members of staff who were diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. It was really difficult finding useful advice on how to make working arrangements that suited their needs and got the job done. We got there, but some of it was trial and error. Some of it helped us when the lockdowns came and we had to work from home.

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We have an upcoming Share and Learn session with the charity Action for ME , where we’ll be exploring ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or Chronic Fatigue syndrome) and issues related to caring for someone with the condition. To help us make the session as useful as possible, if you have any questions for Action for ME, please email in to or reply to this thread.

You can see more about the session and register here: Share and Learn | Carers UK