The experiences of former carers

Carers UK has published a new report detailing the experiences of former carers – those who have previously had an unpaid caring role for an older, disabled or seriously ill relative or friend.

The research included a survey of almost 1,000 people who used to have a caring role, as well as in depth interviews with nine former carers. The experiences of former carers | Carers UK

This is very interesting. Being an ex carer was very strange. The focus and learning to get on with life that is so different


Even now I have this unexpected wish to learn a new skill.

Any skill in particular @thara_2207
You are still a carer aren’t you? Not ex.

Not really and yes. I like to cook as well.

You are always so busy

After Mum died I do remember feeling “lost” and “unwanted”. I got over the unwanted feeling by volunteering at our local hospice charity shop and I’m still volunteering there over 11 years later ! Apart from anything else it gives my week some structure and I get the chance to interact with the other volunteers and our customers.