Teenager self harming

My 17 year old daughter is self harming and took an overdose on Friday. We are back home thankfully but am now struggling with anxiety problems myself unsurprisingly. The mental health team is assessing her tomorrow. Anyone any ideas of what help we could get for our family too as we have 3 other children whose lives are being impacted by this.

Contact Mind

What an awful time for all of you!!

Mind our the people to contact who can provide a whole package of information.

Is she seeing a counsellor or not?

Hi Jennie,
welcome to the forum.

I’m not surprised you are feeling anxious, as parents we want to keep our children safe and for them to be happy - but mental health is out of our control.

As well as Mind, try Young Minds for information https://youngminds.org.uk/

Your younger children qualify for help as young carers - usually there are groups available, often run by charities. I would also contact their schools so that staff are aware of what is happening. They might be able to signpost you to support for them and ensure they are supported in school too.


Hi Jennie. I’m sorry to hear about your daughters problems.
If you possibly can - take time off work, so that you can spend precious time with her and to let her know how special she is.
Put your 17 year old daughter’s needs first, above the others.
Have you any idea as to why she took the overdose?

Hi Jennie

My 15 yr old daughter self harms and has taken more overdoses than I can remember. She’ll take anything she can get her hands on. We’re currently just home from her third hospital admission due to another paracetamol OD.

If you want to chat, I’m here


My step daughter is a little older she’s now 18. She’s just left a mentally violent relationship (she is still in contact with her ex boyfriend) . She has been staying with us for 3 weeks. I took her for a work accessment Wednesday and they asked about her self harm and overdoses. This has trigged lots of suicidal thoughts. She had a doctors appointment the next day and they prescribed meds. They took them for one day and is now refusing because she just wants to die and meds won’t work.
She has refused hospital admission for overdose and self harm in the past. I’m struggling with the fact she doesn’t want to take the meds and would rather die. I am also worried that if she does something as she is 18 and she can refuse all medical treatment. Just need to talk to someone that is or has been thought the same or similar.