Support Worker in the community with vulnerable wife at home

I am a Support Worker working in the community with my vulnerable wife at home. She has a weak immune system; diagnosed with Guillaine-Barre Syndrome in 2006 and has suffered with chronic pain from CIDP ever since.
The Government are advising people to stay at home: We are in a dilemma as I am a “key worker” but also my wife’s recognised unpaid carer at home.
I am currently on holiday staying at home, only doing essential shopping, washing hands regularly and social distancing in and outdoors.My employer says to follow the NHS guidelines but I do not find anything that accurately relates to our situation.
We are both frightened that when I return to work, I could become ill with the COVID 19 virus and pass it on to her.
We firmly believe I should remain at home and care for her. Is there any advice or solution you can provide

Personally, I can’t see why you can’t stay at home. Can you not speak with your HR dept and/or union rep. There must be many more colleagues in your position. You need to ask so you know what you are entitled too. Who pays you salary?


I am in a similar situation, I am my husbands carer, I am not key worker but work in retail where there is a food hall,I was having palpitations when I went into the shop on Saturday, I now have a cough and am distancing myself from every room my husband is in and cleaning every hand rail, toilet everything I touch. We seem to have fallen in a gap, with difficult choices, I only work 12 hours but this helps pay bills. Currently I was due in tomorrow but have now been told I can take 2 weeks off. It is difficult times with hard choices, I hope that the many people in similar situations get the support from their employers they need at this time, is it possible for you to distance yourself in your job.? I would speak to your HR and I wish you all the best if there is an answer please let us know ASAP. Thankyou

from the above - please read the link.

Do I have to go into work – I’m worried I may catch the coronavirus?

On 23 March the government stated that everyone should work from home if they can. See the latest guidance on the site here. Although key workers are the exception, there are circumstances where you can still work from home if possible, even as a key worker. The government has outlined a list of who is considered to be a key worker. If it’s impossible to work from home and you must travel to/from work, you should carefully read the government’s guidance on shielding if you live with someone vulnerable. In particular, see the section ‘Advice for informal carers who provide care for someone who is extremely vulnerable’. Also find out about the Covid-19 Mutual Aid group in your area for any help needed with day-to-day practical support and see our guidance for working carers – scroll down this page.

Thank you for your kind replies…I will pursue this further, checking daily update, consult with my HR dept and hopefully find a satisfactory solution. Should that happen, I will post the outcome and hope it’s of some benefit to others

Many thanks