
On 23 Sept 2021, my husband had a serious stroke and our life changed forever. He was a fit, healthy 55-year old and the stroke came out of the blue. He has recovered well physically with some weakness but has been left with global aphasia - cannot write, can barely speak, can read a little, listening Ok. He has lost his peripheral vision on the right side leaving him partially sighted. He cannot handle money, gets very emotional and so on. I love him very much but life is very hard. I am 44 with a 15 year old son and have had to continue working full-time while juggling my husband’s care and housework etc. he helps out a bit…and very little helps…but I am beyond tired and I get depressed. I have a minor health condition which makes me feel weak sometimes. My husband would normally care for me but I simply have to plough on. Any advice?

Hello Catherine and welcome

Your need to gets a needs assessment done for your husband and you a carers assessment. Your son is a carer by association have a look at a local carers group. Who also provide carer support to children and teenagers.

You have a lot on your plate and you need help.

Hi Catherine
This is so devastating for you all, the stroke just doesn’t happen to the person it happens to the family.
My mother has had several mini strokes TIAs and has lost her concentration for reading and writing, I have to do all her admin and chaperone her to appointments.

Are you in contact with a local stroke club? they could be worth getting in touch with too for any further ideas and help.

Dear Catherine _2207
Hi there. I am Kristie a volunteer for Carers UK as a voluntary online community host. I am sorry to hear of the difficult situation you are in and i am sure that carers on the forum and the information that is posted will help you a lot. Carers UK also have a helpline you can ring which if you do give the number a ring i am sure the advisers can help you and i will give you the number below.
So, welcome to the forum! You are not alone in your caring role and i am sure that many on here will understand exactly how you feel and will offer you the support that you need. Caring can be very lonely and the pandemic has made caring responsibilities challenging as many carers have been socially restricted and unable to attend social groups etc,
Carers UK are running two online weekly meet ups for carers and you can find the information on how to register at:-Care For A Cuppa:-Online meetups | Carers UK. The second online weekly meet up is called:- Share And Learn:-Share and Learn | Carers UK.
Carers UK telephone number is 0808 808 7777 and the helpline is open from Monday to Friday and between the hours of 9am-6pm. The email address is (
They provide information and guidance to unpaid carers. This covers:-
-Benefits And Financial Support
-Your Rights As A Carer In The Workplace
-Carers Assessments And How To Get Support In Your Caring Role
-Services Available To Carers And The People You Care For
-How To Complain Effectively And Challenge Decisions.
Best Wishes