Shopping problems

………….so if no fuel, no artics to deliver food.
Even happier days. :laughing:

Latest news across the spectrum of food supplies / online deliveries / supermarkets :

Britain's supermarkets are on a war footing: What are they doing to help shoppers? | Daily Mail Online

The post code lottery at it’s finest ???

Needless to add , we are ALL in uncharted waters.

The traditional harvesting season before long … add to that , Brexit AND coronavirus ?

UK military planners drafted in to help feed vulnerable in Covid-19 outbreak.

Food stockpilers told they should be ‘ashamed’ as prime minister urges Britons not to make mother’s day visits.

Key military officials are to help ensure food and medicines reach vulnerable people isolated at home during the coronavirus crisis, as part of a nationwide campaign to protect more than a million people most at risk of being hospitalised.

Community pharmacies, voluntary groups and food retailers are in talks with the government to ensure essential items reach people being told to remain in their home. Those believed to be at most risk are being contacted on how best to protect themselves, and being strongly advised to stay home for at least 12 weeks.
UK military planners drafted in to help feed vulnerable in Covid-19 outbreak | Coronavirus | The Guardian

My weekly shop this afternoon was in Sainsburys (Christchurch), it was like a ghost town, but well stocked for current circumstances, there was plenty of fruit and veg, also meat and fish (unlike Tesco on Thu & Sat) although no chicken. No pasta, and only Arborio Rice, (that’s OK, I can do Risotto). No toilet rolls, and cleaning products were almost non-existent, plenty of kitchen rolls, the same as Tesco, (it would only take a sharp knife to cut one down the middle if you’re getting low on loo roll). There is still no Chocolate shortage. :smiley:

The biggest two misses from my shopping list were Marmite and a box of wine, the wine and beer stocks were almost wiped out, I guess that’s not surprising giving it more thought. I’m going to miss my large glass of Red after I’ve put the wife to bed.

I was at first puzzled at what seems to be mixed advice here, but having seen how it works I think it make sense.
By making the first hour over-70 or disabled or those caring for such:

  • The shop has been sanitized overnight, so from a hygiene point of view this is the best time to visit.
  • The shop has been restocked overnight so there is likely to be a fuller range of goods available.

I went into our local Waitrose early last Saturday. It was not over-busy and the customers, mainly older people, were self-separating sensibly. Counter stocks were beginning to recover compared with a few days ago, and, yes, there were some toilet rolls available. (I didn’t buy any; I was travelling by bike and had limited carrying capacity; besides I do not believe in hoarding.)

I’ll be paying Waitrose another visit early tomorrow morning. We’ll see if it is much busier; the pop-in-on-the-way-to-work crowd may be there.

Surely a better idea would be to have some online shopping slots dedicated only for elderly and vulnerable, and those who are self isolating?

That doesn’t sound a bad idea but it would require personnel to set up the system to do this and check each customer that they were eligible. I think at present the priority is to have personnel restock shelves. It may happen, though; we shall see.

I’m sure lots of people booking slots in advance are just the lazy and greedy who want to get first picking of everything.

That may be so for a few, but let’s not tar everyone with the same brush. As you have said yourself, BB, online is the best way. At present, booking well in advance is the only way to get a delivery slot at all. We normally get a delivery from Morrison’s once a week. in last week’s delivery there were many unavailable items and we must wait ten days for the next delivery. The situation seems to be getting worse. I have just checked and at present Morrisons do not have any bookable delivery slots at all in my area.

Now there’s a bit of sensible advice! Not that I approve of stockpiling one bit, but we have had these panic buying issues in the past and they usually level out after a couple of weeks.

Some local community groups now have updates , in real time , on supplies available locally.

In my area , I and 3 others , are constantly providing updates on the major supermarket situations to the local foodbank who are coordinating things
with the remaining , supporting , charities around with a street presence and a couple of the local gp surgeries.

Quite simple … spot a delivery coming in and pass on the alert.

Local ASDA … no meat / vegetables / milk / fresh bread as of 15 minutes ago.

Why not check your own area out for a local group … link posted on another thread :
Mutual aid social media groups - Google Sheets

Tell your son not to shout this around too much, or there will be lots of people panic-buying petrol. And for goodness sake don’t say anything to the news media.

Ayjay, No.1 son says Land Rovers can work well on aviation fuel (he used to work for FR Aviation at Hurn) so he’ll be fine!
He went into the local Co op today and bought some eggs and milk. I popped into Waitrose this afternoon, really quiet, no flour, but most other things. Flour Is the only thing I’d really like to find some more of, but I’m no not right out of it yet.

Just listened to Boris.

Will be rather difficult NOT going out more than once a day to source foodstuff essentials.

In my area , one never knows which supermarket has what in stock at the time you visit.

An alert may go out that Tescos / ASDA / Aldi / Sainsburys / Morrisons have just had a delivery … no guarantee what you are seeking is available by the time you get there.

In some cases , 2 / 3 even 4 supermarkets to acquire 6 essentials … it is that hit and miss locally as I type.

To make matters even worse , ALL local bus services have been cut back to a maximum of 1 per hour on the major routes !

Just watched Boris too. Use online food deliveries wherever possible - chance would be a fine thing!!


Online deliveries ?

Ignoring the total absence of essentials in many areas at virtually anytime during the day , the very people needing help with sourcing supplies will NOT have Internet access.

This is the major reason so many mutual aid groups are springing up nationwide !

My Mum included.


I too have been struggling and am due a home delivery (I had a 10 day wait) but many items not available. I am hopeful that this lockdown means the stores can restock and the limit to going out means it will be easier to manage/stop stock piling so there will be some for everyone.

I work for the Council and community hubs are being set up which will help deliver to the elderly/vulnerable. The staff are being deflected from their usual roles to help. Unfortunately I have to work from home because of my son but have to say he is in very good spirits because he has Aspergers and has been receiving support to get him out and about. He was struggling with this but now they are not coming round and he has permission from the Prime minister to stay at home. I will however get him out on a dog walk once a day because he has sever Vit D defiency. I am more concerned about getting his medication because our nominated pharmacy is taking over a week to dispense them!

One of my carees has a severe vitamin D deficiency, was getting a 3 monthly injection instead of tablets every day, unfortunately issues getting this injection but it might be worth asking.

Vit D deficiency can cause a lot of issues in the body.

Supermarket website chaos as websites crash and delivery slots are booked solid for WEEKS after Boris Johnson tells Britons to avoid going to stores and shop online.

Tesco and Asda delivery slots unavailable until April as websites go down.

Ocado and Sainsbury’s are not taking deliveries from newly registered accounts.

Sainsbury's and Ocado stop deliveries from certain customers hours after Britain goes into lockdown | Daily Mail Online

UK volunteers to be asked to deliver food aid within days.

Government prepares to tap into community groups with as many as 2.5 million members.

UK volunteers to be asked to deliver food aid within days | Coronavirus | The Guardian

Coronavirus : Food rationing must be introduced immediately, experts warn government.

Exclusive : ‘Thirty years ago, the UK’s food retailers carried 10-12 days of stock – now they have just 24-36 hours of stock’

Coronavirus: Food rationing must be introduced immediately, experts warn government | The Independent | The Independent

On a separate note … a Carers Card … would be very handy in the present situation … if only to flash at the supermarket door come happy hour for
NHS staff / the vulnerable / the elderly ?

On a separate note … a Carers Card … would be very handy in the present situation … if only to flash at the supermarket door come happy hour for
NHS staff / the vulnerable / the elderly ?

i have a carers care and cress reg it wont help at all for us as we have to isolate so as i am the only carer i cannot get out to get supplys , looking at food shops online with delivery is ridiculous even with times for the vulnerable / the elderly ? how are you suppose to get out

Judging from the numerous reports coming in from around the country , probably the number one problem.

Sourcing essential supplies … how many carers , some with caree in tow , need to go out more than 3 times a day in the hope of securing some somewhere ?

For me , potatoes purchased earlier this morning … first supplies of spuds in 6 days at anyone of the 5 supermarkets in my area.

I had to laugh when he said to go shopping ONCE a week! Hasn’t he seen what the shops are like?? I pop out every day to see what’s around.

BB, I usually shop online once a week, since the world went mad I am now having to shop every few days in person and although supermarket limits should prevent panic buying they also mean you have to go shopping more e.g. everything limited to 3 - 3 apples?!

Bill - glad you got your spuds.
