Corona virus emergency - cuk please note!

We are currently in an unprecedented emergency.
A friend has just sent me a copy of a joint statement written by Carers UK and Carers Trust - but I can’t find anything on the forum and can’t share it myself.
The TV has just said that all over 70’s may have to self isolate for up to FOUR MONTHS?!?

i am aware that the forum is supposed to belong to members, but I’d like to suggest that a new thread was started, or another one used, where press releases are shared with us at the same time as the press.
Many of us are looking after over 70’s and they rely on younger relatives for everything, and paid carers too in many cases. Many carers will come into the over 70’s category themselves.
Busy carers are not always glued to the TV or radio, I never buy a paper, other than the local one. How can I know what CUK are saying? I need to read it on our forum!

Said joint statement :

Just one of several areas of immediate importance :

Waiving charging and eligibility rules for emergency social care
We believe that current, often slow assessment of care processes and rigid eligibility criteria must be waived during this period. It is vital that support is provided where and when it is needed, as quickly as possible.

Current reablement processes on discharge from hospital may be a good template for delivery of this type of model.

Where there are charges for social care, we believe it is vital that charging rules are > waived > for emergency social care during this period. It does not make economic or practical sense for a system that is trying to cope with an emergency to apply means-testing and a financial assessment at the point of need. Nor should any bill be sent after the event.

We need to be reassured that if people need social care in an emergency, that it will be free at the point of delivery and Governments need to fund local authorities to be able to do so.

If nothing else , ties in with that GREEN PAPER , SOCIAL CARE thread conclusions.

If the caree goes into " Insolation " without the carer , and the carer is claiming Carers Allowance , does that mean that eligibility is now defaulted , and said carer needs to advice the DWP ???

What then ?

A 5 week wait for monies to be released ???

CA is NOT means tested but any INCOME related benefits are … a potential loss of that CA income will be faced by many family carers !

Those who drew down private pensions early in order to survive will be hit , and hit hard.

One comment on CUK’s Facebook page worth repeating … a sign of things to come ?


My 80 year old mother in law has just been asked if things get difficult in the shared care home can she look after her 60 year old disabled bed ridden daughter
who needs turning every 2 hours herself at home. Really ??? "

Isolate the caree , isolate the carer by default ?

Now akin to a war zone … and traditional thinking goes out the window.

Am I the only one who thinks the definition of “elderly” needs to be redefined??
I’m 2 years off 70, but have spent most of the last two weeks walking in the sunshine in Cyprus at least 5km every day, often more.
I would suggest that the priority group should be the over 75’s, or over still, OR anyone with a significant health problem.
Those with learning difficulties living on their own with carer support are fine as long as the carers come, but someone like my son who can’t manage his own money, cross the road safely, read, write, or do any maths is incredibly vulnerable.

I’m 70 just. Am fit, fortunately do not need medication,. Can’t do jobs as quickly as I used to, don’t risk climbing on work top, try to be sensible,. So yes,what is elderly?
I do online shop, because I don’t drive, but that’s a joke at the moment. No slots available for 3 weeks! ( Sainsbury’s). Tried Asda, found a slot, but they are experiencing technical difficulty. I’m not panic buying, just want my usual. Things that are heavy.
It’s gone crazy!

My mum and dad are in their seventys and fit and well, if anything they are looking after me, helping trips to the hospital, get my medication, pop into town for items needed.
Not me looking after them, they both look after the house, shopping, cleaning, cooking etc. See friends, travel on holiday all over the world.

So they are old but not elderly, elderly seems to suggest, unable to look after themselves, frail etc.

To self isolate for up to 4 months would be impossible and unfair.

I’m fortunate as my family are in contact most days. Txt usually. Oldest grandson calls in at least once a week. I do see family.
I am on my own quite alot though. Can feel lonely at times, then count my blessings. If I was isolated for 4months without even going for a walk etc I would go into almost a depression,. Advice is to get out, even if for a short walk.

If I had to stay home to self isolate for 4 months, I’d get a lot of sewing done (my hobby for 50 years) and my fabric “stash” would be reduced significantly, but how would this be achieved?Who would feed me, shop for me etc. etc.?

My eldest son lives with me and works for the council. Other council employees can swop jobs to some extent, but can’t do his work in the workshops. Without him and his 3 work colleagues, nothing can go anywhere! Sometimes he works 60+ hours a week as he is also “on call 24/7” as well. Then he needs me to shop and cook for him.

In many families there is this sort of interdependency, watching government officials talk, they just don’t seem to have a clue about how impossible their “self isolation” idea would be to put into practice without an enormous back up team, which just doesn’t exist.

I have read about people trying to order shopping to be delivered which would be needed if self isolating, some shops have no slots for 3 weeks.
And have run out of essentials, toilet rolls of course, basic food stuffs, pasta, rice and baby stuff.
So how can they self isolate and have their shopping delivered?

And yes interdependency, my relatives that can drive help other relatives and help friends who have to give up their driving licence, shopping, trips out, visits to the hospital.
You would need an army of volunteers to replace them and that’s maybe what’s needed the army to come and help.

Londonbound, that’s a good thought. We don’t need it just yet, but they would have so much useful expertise.

I am 79 and care full time for my 81 year old disabled husband. How do the powers that be intend to monitor how and when we leave our homes? Who apart from close family and friends knows our exact ages? I have held a delivery saver package with Tesco for a decade or more. Apart from my scheduled delivery this coming Saturday, ALL their delivery slots have been blocked off. We have no carers coming in, no close family members, near neighbours are our age. Is it possible that someone from Carer’s UK and/or Age concern, or any other body interested in the needs of the elderly can speak with government departments. I am not a worrier by nature, but this is worrying and presently I cannot see the answer(s).

The government’s idea that over 70’s should self-isolate is, at present, just a “recommendation” it is NOT mandatory.

There is no way that they could enforce such a decree unless, like Spain, they send the police out to send very one on the street home unless they can prove they are on a necessary errand - i.e. going to work or getting food shopping/medicines.

Yes just not enough help. I should be self isolating but cant get delivery slot so hubby has to go hrt shopping…its a farce.
I have underlying health problem

Please can he have a new section to the forum, dealing with this emergency?

I’ve seen some conflicting advice about Ibuprofen (Nurofen) this morning.

One article said that Ibuprofen had caused additional deaths in Italy, because the way it worked made it easier for the virus to take hold.
Someone else has just said on TV that it was fine to take.

This is exactly the sort of thing that CUK could help the membership with.

I heard the conflicting advice too BB. It’s just not helpful, causing more panic. I have ibruprofen in for such times I may need it. Don’t take pain relief often.
I must admit yesterday I felt the sense of panic that I may be confined to my home for 4 months. Not seeing anyone. Today I feel more like wait and see. Things crossed my mind such as an emergency like something breaking down. We surely wouldn’t be left without help. We need some answers, not speculation.

Thanks for this suggestion bowlingbun. We’ve just set up a new section on the Forum under the ‘All about caring’ section and we’ll move all of the existing coronavirus threads into this section.

If setting up new threads relating to coronavirus, please put them in this section and check first to see if there is an existing thread covering the issue you wish to raise.



Thanks Michael,

Please can CUK investigate the Ibuprofen issue for us and report back?

Can you also give us a definition of “underlying conditions”. M and I are due to go to Devon very soon, so I’m going through the should we stay or go? debate at the moment.

Hi bowlingbun. I’ve had a quick chat with one of our directors about this. We don’t have the medical expertise to advise on specific medication but she will raise this issue at a meeting in the morning to see if we can signpost you to guidance elsewhere. She will also seek clarification on the definition of ‘underlying conditions’.

RE Ibuprofen - on the radio today I heard one of the “media” doctors (it was either Dr Sarah Jarvis or Dr Hilary) explaining that ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory and it is unwise to suppress inflammation with coronavirus - our body’s inflammatory response helps us to recover from the virus. Paracetomol will help reduce any fever associated with the virus.

Additionally ibuprofen is proven to be contra indicated if you have any heart issues - after my heart attack 5 years ago I was told not to take that or any other NSAID - and there is lots of information online regarding ibuprofen and heart problems.

Underlying conditions that have been specified are

Heart problems and heart disease
Diabetes (both type 1 and type 2)
Any auto-immune disease

Thanks Susie, really useful info.
