My mum has been has been in receipt of attendance allowance since September 2016. Her Psychiatrist has just confirmed that he will certify her as meeting Severe Mental Impairment requirements from the date of her dementia diagnosis in late 2016.
Firstly, From then to 1st December 2017, she continued to live alone with me coming in daily to care for her. During this time she paid her normal council tax with the 25% single person discount. I now believe that for this period, she could have been disregarded for council tax and the house rated as if empty.
Q1 - What if any, should the correct SMI discount rate be for this period.
Q2 – Do I correctly understand that any such discount can be backdated and refunded?
Secondly, from 1st Dec 2017 to present, I have had to move in for the sole purpose of caring for mum 24/7. I receive Carers Allowance, am recognised by our LA as her carer and have had a carers assessment which indicates multiple eligible needs. During this period, mum’s attendance allowance has been upgraded to the full rate due to nighttime care needs.
Q3 – Am I correct in thinking that in these circumstances, I am disregarded for the purpose of assessment of mum’s council tax and therefore, what if any should the discount rate be for this period?
And finally, in order to come to care for mum, I have had to vacate my own house which I was occupying as a single person. However, I have kept my own property as my registered address and although I have my self employed business registered there, I work remotely from mum’s. My house remains furnished and throughout this entire period I have continued to pay my full council tax at the 25% single person’s discount rate. I continue to garage my car there (because I’m unable to keep it at mum’s) and return to fetch the car if I need it, collect my post, do security checks and when I have sitters for mum, to do basic maintenance – cut lawns etc.
Q4 – On the basis that I have moved out solely for the purpose of caring for mum, can I claim a class J exemption for my own council tax and if so, what rate should the discount be?
Q5 - Does a means test apply to a class J exemptions or is that at the particular LA’s discretion?
I’m wondering if any other carers are in the same circumstances and if anyone can give a definitive answer to how the rules apply in this very specific set of circumstances?
Thank you.