Michael & Carers UK team,
I saw 2 Carers Trust Press releases that caught my eye because one was in response to the government’s review of integrated care and the other was in response to the Fabian Society Report which I’ve discovered is a left-wing think tank, sponsored by labour proposing a National Care System.
As these were published around the time of Carers Week I wondered what the impact & key takeaways could be for unpaid carers.
I haven’t seen these on the CarersUK website, but would like to ask if the CarersUK Policy & News and campaigns team could offer their summary & put it on the website?
I couldn’t see a better place to put this request & Carers Trust don’t respond to individual info requests. I also thought others may be interested
Carers Trust Press releases in response to 2 documents on caring: News & Media - Latest News, Views & Opinions | Carers Trust - Press releases
a) 15 June, Carers Trust Press release response on ‘Government response to the House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee’s seventh report of session 2022 to 2023 on ‘Integrated care systems: autonomy and accountability’ Carers Trust comments on Government response to Integrated Care Systems reviews - News & Media - Latest News, Views & Opinions | Carers Trust
• The report: Government response to the House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee’s seventh report of session 2022 to 2023 on 'Integrated care systems: autonomy and accountability' - GOV.UK
b) 12 June, Carers Trust responds to Fabian Society report on National Care Service Carers Trust responds to Fabian Society report on National Care Service - News & Media - Latest News, Views & Opinions | Carers Trust
• The report: https://fabians.org.uk/publication/support-guaranteed/
• Who is Fabian society? ‘ a left-leaning think tank dedicated to new public policy and political ideas’ About us | Fabian Society
FYI I see from the Carers UK Trust and Foundations webpage:
“Carers UK and Carers Trust are part of the Health and Wellbeing Alliance, a partnership between NHS England and Improvement and Department of Health and Social Care and other voluntary organisations. We work in partnership to engage with emerging policy and practice and to reflect the views of our members and networks in order to support the development of knowledge around carers and caring. We also work to engage carers in the wider health and social care reform agenda and address the intersectionality of health inequalities. “
Hence my curiosity & request to ask for your & the teams thoughts, and Carers UK support to decipher them.
I’m still trying to wade through them, esp. the Fabian society one. There is reference to unpaid carers (‘block 5’).
As a pragmatist I realise these are all ‘words’ and can change easily.
However, a heads up from the policy team on potential implications could be enlightening. Thanks!