Random acts of kindness during lockdown

Thought it would be nice to have a positive thread about the Corona Virus…

What are some of the kind things that people have done for you during this time or you have even done yourself?One of our neighbours made a few of us an apple crumble the other day.Words can’t express how much I love apple crumble.I also had a friend send me a lovely turtle pin/brooch as she makes things herself and sells them on Etsy.com.

I supply my elderly neighbour different Items throughout the week. If I buy a cake and tart etc. I always give him a slice. He’s loving it. He states I am giving him some lovely products to try. He thinks it’s better than Christmas. I gave him a portion of ginger yogurt and he said" it’s the best yogurt I’ve ever tried".

He’s tasted different types of biscuits and ice-creams. If all we have at the moment is the luxury of tasting something nice. So be it.

It’s better than swapping recipes.LOL

Today, he gave me a box of lindt chocolates one of my favourites.

Friends and friends of friends are keeping us supplied with the special GF bread flour I need to make S’s bread flour and a lovely lady and her teenage children do our family shop for us each week.

In turn, S and I are delivering food bank parcels each afternoon.


My neighbours keep in touch. I ask them if they need anything when I get a slot for on line shop. In turn they ask me if I need anything when they do their weekly shop. I have a list from my friend, who has health issues, to add to my own shopping. I don’t consider that random kindness to be honest. It’s not a problem to me to add on to my shopping, I m not carrying it home. She is a good friend, and didn’t shy away when hubby was really ill then died.
My neighbours are good even in ’ normal’ times. We do things for each other as much as we can. Am fortunate.

Nice to hear from you again, Undermyduvet. I know you have been through a bad time, and now that your circumstances have changed you need to face this lockdown like everyone else. It is good that you are experiencing some positive aspects.

Yes, it is great to know that there is a lot of goodwill to help us through this difficult period. One aspect I have noted is the huge increase in conferencing over the Internet. We can join in a Church service each Sunday, courtesy of the Zoom application. It is the next best thing to actually attending Church and we have the conviviality of singing hymns together. Another group to which I belong is holding weekly Internet meetings during this lockdown. It is great that we are able to do this. This helps us to keep in touch in other respects, so we can offer a helping hand if we find someone is in difficulty.

Sunny disposition,sounds like your elderly neighbour is having the time of his life.Am not sure about ginger yogurt though.

Denis,Thanks for your post.I haven’t really said that much about my current cirumstances,just that I have left the home so bit confused by your reply.The lockdown doesn’t faze me as I have been indoors a lot for some time before the lockdown.Everyone has to face the lockdown wherever they are.

yes, we have been going through all of Waitrose desserts. Lush!

Ooh…Waitrose seem to do some nice stuff.We don’t have one that close to us but I remember they do quality food.

An anonymous person left some GF self raising flour on our doorstep for S and we have no idea who it was.

Thank you, if it was YOU!


There’s a lot of people leaving boxes of books or toys outside their house, free help yourself.

So that’s good, I read a lot but cannot access books at the moment, charity shops are closed.

It was exactly the same during the last war, for those here who can remember it.
Whenever humanity faces a common threat to all, they help each other, more friendly
in the street to strangers etc.
When the Aliens invade Earth it will be the same……STAY ALERT. Watch the skies. :slight_smile:

Melly,that is so cool.I hope you’re both going to make some fantastic cakes with it:)
I hope someone leaves me some anonymous gifts.A box of Marks and Spencers chocolate biscuits would be very welcome if anyone is reading.Definitely the way to my heart.Is funny you posted that as I was only thinking the other day how cool it would be if people started leaving each other anonymous gifts on their doorstep.

I have a box of books outside my house for people to help themselves. A few have gone. Several others in the village have done the same and I have taken a couple from other boxes!

I have an older friend who has cancer and can’t go out so I ring her every so often to see if she needs anything as she lives alone. Her immediate neighbours get her shopping so she is OK but she enjoys chatting. She had to get someone to come and cut her hedge on the front as she was feeling very claustrophobic. At least now she can see people walking or cycling past.

I have also crocheted a few ear savers for care home and NHS workers. They are like a little strap which you put between the loops on your mask to take the pressure off back of ears.

I received a grocery box yesterday from a friend who lives in the same building. She dropped it off sometime during the afternoon when I was busy. It was full of fresh fruit like tomatoes etc from the farmer market.
My other good friend who lives in another part of town came by in her car earlier this week and brought me some more picture books for the kids. I think that you are totally right too. I could literally type a mini essay on this topic as well.
These unexpected but heartwarming acts of kindnesses should not be unnoticed either as they help to send the message which is people do and can still care about each other. That is not a bad thing after all isnt it? In this day and age, we still need to show kindness to one another. It always makes me smile when I see a act of kindness.

There is an elderly gent who sits on a bench on our local high street (and whom I’m never sure if he is homeless or not) we always say hello to him on our walks and often have a laugh with him; this afternoon he insisted we had a slice of takeaway cake today - someone must have bought him a meal (confirming my suspicions). Now busy thinking what we could take him next time we pass - as queuing to buy him something isn’t possible with S.


My neighbour mowed my garden, front and back whilst I’ve been away. How nice is that?,

We are only 3 in our household and got a leg of lamb for last weeks Sunday dinner (cant quite get online quantities right yet) so I offered plate of it to elderly neighbour on our left. She thanked us with a bottle of wine and flap jacks.
This week we also did a plate for neighbour opposite who responded with bottle of wine, as did the left hand neighbour again.
Next week, if we get a joint, I want to include right hand neighbour too but am terrified that will bring us up to 3 bottles! I wish they would just accept a plate of food that is no trouble and very little cost to us. We only doing it once a week when the joint is big enough

Lamb is one of my favourites although I prefer the shoulder.Am suddenly longing for roast lamb and mint sauce.

I hope people continue to be kind to each other after this unusual time is over but I have my doubts.Let’s make the best of it.

Somebody posted some cake through my letterbox on monday.That’s a first.Maybe people should replace catflaps with cakeflaps during the lockdown.

Have been really kinda low lately so the cake was welcome.It was carrot cake with buttercream in if anyone is interested

Ohe of the local GPs, who was off on maternity leave for a long time, makes rhubarb cake and delivers it to those shielding.