Hi everyone
My mum is 74 years old and has COPD. Last week her brother who’s in his early 60’s arrived at the door displaying florrid psychotic symptoms. Very out of the blue. He’s always been reserved and a bit suspicious, but never paranoia.
He did not want to speak to a doctor, told my mother that people have followed him on the 80 mile journey he took to her house. He agreed to take some anti depressants that the doctor arranged over the phone with my mother, but in the week that he’s been with her he’s not really got any better. He believes her house is bugged and that ‘they’ have followed him to her house and he’s very sorry to bring trouble upon her.
I visited and spoke to him and while he’s still the person I know, he’s obviously showing significant psychotic symptoms. When I asked if he might be a bit stressed out with his neighbours (which he thinks are the source of the problem, and from what I’ve heard they are difficult people, they’re not friendly and just stare him out on the street, etc), he said no, there’s a real problem, they are everywhere, they are outside (he’s hearing their voices outside), they are calling him names, he’d rather be dead than be called those things (he’s none of the things they’ve apparently called him, but he’s hearing voices).
Today my mother spoke to the surgery again and they have arranged within a week for him to see a ‘specialist’ as they will want him to be given medicene for ‘delusions,’ That is good, it is what I think he will need, but I have other concerns.
He’s in my mum’s house, she’s 74, he has his other brother with him who’s his usual self (but this brother has always had some problems with rituals and ocd, so there’s that). They both seem a bit concerned about being around him and that is saying something because the 2 brothers are very close and always have been and my mother would never, under normal circumstances be a bit afraid of her brother.
She’s worried that she has to wait another week before he’s assessed by a specialist. She is getting no real support from the rest of her family, she has 3 other siblings but they’ve all ‘got things to do’ this week. I think it would suit all of them if these 2 brothers lived with my mother, but it wouldn’t be ideal for her, it’s not what she wants, plus I only live ten minutes away and I will be running around for all three of them, not just my mother.
Should I mention my concerns to the GP? My uncle said to me yesterday that ‘they are everywhere, the place is bugged but carry on talking because you can’t avoid it. It will all end soon anyway.’ When I asked him what he meant by that he avoided answering and I didn’t push as I was trying to get him to feel more comfortable. My mum is concerned that his paranoia might turn on her and their other brother. If it did it would be extremely out of character. This is not a violent man, he’s the opposite, but he’s obviously very unwell right now. It’s come completely out of the blue.
Any thoughts, experience etc, would be appreciated. Apparently one of my cousins who lives near my uncle suggested he drive down to my mother. My mother seems to have become the dumping ground for the family’s problems.