NHS Continuing Health Care Nightmare Continues

To be honest, it’s got a lot worse since the private sector got involved in delivering services. People are sacrificed to the £ sign.

Know what you mean, Charles. My Mum’s been shafted on to social services, who commission the most lowest paid care agencies (current one the 5th) who have destroyed by Mum’s clothes/belongings/property. When I have put in complaints through the commissioning team, the care agency manager denies everything. Even though the current carers have had to put back the curtain rail which fell down, plus they attached cotton on the ends where the plastic end bits have disappeared. I provided a list of photos my friend took, everything they denied. Disgusting a ‘care agency’ can be so cruel to a frail and defenseless person they are commissioned to care for.

I came across the below article;

NHS facing court action over unlawful policies

Seeing this is a 2018 article, my Mum had the last DST Assessment done 10th July 2018, they still insisted she didn’t have ‘health needs’ and that they were ‘managed’ - seems it’s the same spiel across the country.

Maybe the EHRC are in on it, as I contacted them a long time ago and they refused to help; what are they there for then?