New to group and need help

I am stuggling to cope with my husbands sever anxiety and he wont seek help as he says no one can help him. He now says he can’t do it any more and whats the point of life. What do I do ?


Hi @Littlegranny and welcome. I don’t think there’s very much I can suggest, except that if you contact the Helpline at, they may be able to put you in touch with support. I would also suggest urgently contacting your husband’s GP to discuss your concerns.

Please let us know how you get on.

Hi @Littlegranny. Welcome.
I’m sorry to hear your husband is suffering from severe anxiety. I agree with @Charlesh47 that your GP needs to hear your concerns. I know that anxiety and depression can often go hand in hand, so having your GP assess your husband would be best.

In addition to CarersUK advice helpline, here are some other helplines:
Mind Infoline: 0300 123 3393 - this is for information and signposting to other resources.
Here is Mind’s list of helplines and listening services if you feel you need to talk to someone

If you are feeling overwhelmed I would encourage you to talk to someone, a friend, your GP or one of the listening services highlighted in Mind.
Obviously we don’t know your whole situation, the history or what support you have/not. However, as you said you’re struggling to cope it’s clear you need More support and your husband needs more mental health support.

I hope tomorrow is a better day and you can connect with your GP and/or obtain more support.
take care, best wishes

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Hello littleGranny
You must be a strong person as husband can tell you how he feels.
It is sounding like he needs medication and / or talking therapy, like the others say, contact the GP and get support for you as well.
I hope this time will pass soon. Warmly Ula