New here

Hi there
Having read other newbie posts I’m not sure if I’m actually in the right place! I work as a carer, I don’t care for someone in my family.
I’ve been finding some aspects of the job very difficult, especially the guilt of calling in sick which is the situation I’m in today. So I thought I’d look for some online support!
Having read some of your posts I’m so inspired by all of you generous and large hearted carers out there… I hope you all get the assistance you need.

Welcome to the forums! Thank you.


Having read other newbie posts I’m not sure if I’m actually in the right place! I work as a carer, I don’t care for someone in my family.

A paid care worker ?

This is a forum for family / kinship carers.

If there are any aspects of caring which crossover into our world , we would be pleased to provide some guidance.