Jointly app problems


I am a carer for my partner. I just filled out the emergency red card. With details. But also set up jointly app registered and put details in. Put all his meds in and saved. Then I had to go away from screen as had to do something. It timed out. Trying to login with username and password but keeps on coming up as resource timed out. Sent them email because that’s all you can do. But says can take upto 5 days to get back to me. Just wondering if anyone else is having problems. Annoying as it took me a long time to put all the info in. Think it set up ok as recieved email from jointly. Thought maybe I have to set up again but not letting me do that either.
192.168.l.l routerlogin

Thanks in advance for your help.

Hi Thomas

Sorry to hear you’re experiencing Jointly issues, I’ve just spoken to Geoff, our in-house tech officer, who will be in touch with your soon. Geoff post a response on the forum soon.

thanks again and apologies Thomas.


Hi Thomas,

I have just dropped you a PM, but just incase it is difficult to retrieve it, If you could drop me a direct email to:

If you could let me have your Jointly user name, and the email address you registered with, and I can make sure we get to the bottom of the issue ASAP for you.

If you are able to add any additional info (like, were you accessing Jointly from a web browser, or mobile device when this happened), that would be great.

I am so sorry you have had these issues, but I will make sure we get this sorted for you.
