Hi there…I am a carer to a 37 year old son with Aspergers and. 33 year old son with Autism…and all the joys inbetween
I am 57 and just fancy a natter about everyday life etc… The name is Sally x
Hi there…I am a carer to a 37 year old son with Aspergers and. 33 year old son with Autism…and all the joys inbetween
I am 57 and just fancy a natter about everyday life etc… The name is Sally x
Hi Sally & welcome
Do your son’s live at home or living in supported accommodation.
Welcome, my son has SLD. I’m just back from a holiday with him. Shattered!
Do you have any long term plans for your sons?
Hi Sally,
How are you ? - My daughter has ASD, anxiety and health conditions - I am her full time carer - she is 18 at the end of this month.
Do your boys live with you ? I am also a single parent - so things can be isolating - a chat would be lovely!!
Hi Sally, nice to hear your little background and welcome. I salute you for catering to your 2 kids, you’re great. I am also a father of Autism child and I know the sacrifices you’re going through. Stay safe! screenenclosure-miami.com
I feel you Sally. I am amazed on how you handle your 2 sons. I am single mom that is why I need to get a caregiver for my child to work for us. Nice to hear your story. https://www.bathroomremodelroundrock.com
Hi Madison! You are such a great mom.
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