That sounds like a really positive step forward. Well done!
And yes, I would agree that seeing the SAME analyst, but initially at least, SEPARATELY, is a good way to start. That way the analyst can ‘gather’ info from both of you, knowing what info they get from each, and then start to examine the ‘top down’ situation from both your inputs, to give them a clearer idea of what went on, and how it is affecting each of you still.
Have to say, I’m not sure what the difference an analyst is from a counsellor??? Surely any ‘pysch’ has to listen to what their patient says, come to some kind of conclusions (however tentative) about WHY the patient is as they is (ie, the ‘analysis’ part), and only THEN move on to helping the patients deal with their problems and move forward into healing and ‘better lives’ (ie, the ‘counselling’ part).
Or does it refer more to the ‘school of psychiatry’ (eg, Freudian, whatever whatever!)(I’ve no idea of the various ‘schools’ of psychiatry but presumably they are quite a few, and possibly some are ‘rivals’ to each other, or even potentially ‘contradictory’??)
(But remember, overall, the purpose of psychiatric medicine is to be THERAPEUTIC. HOW that therapy is applied, or even how it works, is secondary to that overarching goal - ie, to HEAL the wounded and damaged mind…) (though of course, just as with physical medicine, first there has to be a diagnosis of the ailment - ie, the cause of the wounding and the extent of the damage - before appropriate therapy can be decided on)(and bearing in mind there may well be several options on therapy - just as there often is with physical ailments, eg, sometimes surgery may be the option, sometimes medicine, etc etc etc)
I wish you both well.
NEVER give up on the possibility that happiness IS within your grasp. My own personal profound belief - the ‘ground of my being’ - is that humans are designed by nature to be happy, and that only when things ‘go wrong’ in our life, for whatever reason, can ‘unhappiness’ of any kind intrude upon that.
We are ALL ‘healable’ - all we have to do is ‘find out how to heal’!!! But it CAN be done. It truly can.
Never give up on that possibility, and that hope.