Wonder if anyone else has gone through this, but my council has contacted me (Direct Payments Financial advisor, and said that my daughter needs to contribute to direct payments. They want to know how much PIP she gets and how much is in her bank account, so they can decide on how much my daughter should pay. she is 18 and still in education. She is unable to work due to her severe problems.
Has anyone else been through this, or got any advise please.?
Kind Regards
Yes, this is standard practice.
Are you her DWP Appointee?
Do all her benefits go into a separate account?
Do you use a debit card for everything on this account?
Are you aware of “disability related expenditure”.
Do you keep a record of all mileage etc. related to her care?
Does she pay you a set amount of “housekeeping” every week?
When I was widowed, disabled in a car accident, living off sales of my husbands’s 30 ton stock of lorry spares the local LD Team leader said I should not charge my son housekeeping, but pay for it all myself! The man was an idiot! Finally it was agreed that I could have £100 a week when my son was home from college ( about 20 years ago).
Your council should visit you, do a formal financial assessment looking at income and expenditure, then give you, at the time of their visit, details of their calculations. My son’s contribution is now zero. Each officer seems to have different ideas!
Before the visit I just printed off bank statements to give to them showing all income and expenditure, making their job easier and visits short.
I managed my disabled mum’s money as well so I knew the local assessor well.
Feel free to ask me anything.