Dealing with incontinence and accidents


  • I do wish we were able to more easily see the progression of each other’s journey’s on the forum more easily…I knew you’d posted before and found this

I hear you, and know exactly how you feel since I was caring for Dad from 2015 to 2020 and with his bladder cancer, and disabilities due to Rheumatoid arthritis there were a LOT of :ocean: :poop: :poop: :ocean: :ocean:
I could go into all the different tips, and points and give you a whole load of scenarios…BUT
from the amount of caring you’ve highlighted and the situation I think you may be at the point of needing a RE-assessment of needs for him.

Can you ask for the reassessment?
If you’re Dad’s parkinson has progressed he may be nearing or in full incontinence - for his sake he needs more safety and support AND YOU need peace of mind before we even start talking about how to deal/manage :poop:

I feel the need to say (from my personal experience) that he needs more care than you can offer, or that more carers can offer…in my humble opinion @Nikki_Anne I’m not a medic nor a healthcare worker

Have you already been discussing or planning for when he’s worse? Sorry!

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