Has anyone had any experience please of applying to backdate council tax disability reduction? Our home has qualified for the council tax disability reduction but the council will not consider backdating it unless we provide evidence to support the criteria eligibility for backdating. I supplied dated planning permission and builders invoices to show we built a new room specifically so as we had enough room for my disabled Mum to move in to a downstairs room (she now needs 24 hour care due to seizures/severe cognition problems due to a brain tumour and associated treatment). She also has our downstairs bathroom for her own use now and we have had that adapted with handrails. She couldn’t live alone anymore. The council say all the planning permission shows is that Mum had moved in with us but it doesn’t prove eligibility for disabled criteria retrospectively. They said that because during Covid they are not doing criteria inspections, they are prepared to grant the current disability council tax reduction but will not backdate it without evidence of adaptations. As the criteria states a room does not have to be adapted for disabled use and can just be an extra room specifically for the disabled person use, why do I need to provide evidence of adaptation and indeed how do I do that for a bedroom. A large part of my Mum’s disability is cognitive so she doesn’t have a disabled bed or anything. I have twice asked what evidence the council would accept but they have not answered my question. I have taken it to appeal now but am concerned even with the appeal I will fall down on evidence.
How long has mum had a “cognitive” problem?
It sounds as if this counts as “severe mental impairment”?
Ask the council to send you a form, which you then sign and forward to mum’s doctor.
If the GP says she has a severe mental impairment, you won’t just get one less classification, but mum will be totally EXEMPT from that date, and it can be backdated!! The highest amount I’ve heard of so far is £8,000!
Thanks for advice. Actually I did wonder if I was applying for the correct discount. She had whole brain radiation therapy almost 3 years ago and that left her with the severe cognitive impairment and seizures meaning she has had 24 hour sitter/care cover since then. As Mum lives with us (3 other adults/over 18’s) does that still mean the whole council tax bill would be exempt? Not sure how that works?
Thanks but I’m back to the disability council tax reduction question as I’ve just read the severe mental impairment reduction doesn’t apply if you live with more than one adult that doesn’t have a severe mental impairment.
Hi Joanna
Our helpline would be able to talk to you about your situation. Do contact them on:
0808 808 7777 from Monday to Friday, 9am – 6pm or email advice@carersuk.org
Best wishes