Corona Virus and Carers

As we approach the new lockdown, I have seen nothing from National or Local Govt on what support is being put in place to support us. Most of us have been in some form of lockdown since March. In Lockdown phase 1 there was help with shopping and other support available. But this time a deafening silence seems to be the only response.

From what I’ve seen and know I think that the majority of help and support that was set up during the first lockdown is still running and still available.

Hi Norman,

the free government food parcels delivered to those shielding throughout the first lockdown stopped in the summer. However NHS volunteer responders will continue to operate until at least March 2021. To register for support;

To arrange support for yourself or someone you know call 0808 196 3646 (8am to 8pm, 7 days a week).

Our volunteers help people:

avoid busy places by collecting their shopping, medicines and other important items
have regular contact with other people by making regular friendly phone calls
get to medical appointments by giving lifts

To find out more

Local volunteer groups may also still be operating - best to look on social media.
