BEFORE the client IS charged anything at all, there should be a formal financial assessment looking at income and outgoings. At the time of the assessment the client should be given a written copy of the assessment and all the calculations which led to the calculation of the client contribution.
Did this happen? If not, ask for a written copy.
For a couple, it can be done either jointly or individually, it’s the client’s choice. Was this explained?
Councils are legally obliged to do annual reviews of care assessments, and a review of finances should be part of that.
Even though they are supposed to many councils haven’t been doing the annual reviews and there are many cases going to the ombudsmen where suddenly someone finds they are expected to repay several years, or are in receipt of back payments.
Make sure you keep receipts (forever) of any Disability Related expenses as a lot of councils won’t count such expenditure if it isn’t backedy up with receipts
If wife hast been having annual reviews, you can put in a formal complaint
I didn’t know they were legally obliged to do annual reviews?
Is that only for certain options they give you 4 options on how to fund you.
There was no client contribution in year 1 however in year 2-4 there have been charges 15% of the total budget.
I’ve requested a SAR from the council. I wasn’t given the option or explained my brother could become a company and employ PA workers for personal care and outdoor activities.
Should the LA/council contact you for a review/reassessment is it the same thing?
Your wife should have a copy of her care plan and of the finance decisions too.
So call SS, request a review and make sure you get copies of whatever results
(Note, even though it is unlawful to do a review just to reduce package, they are often used for this purpose)