Caring for someone with Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis

First time admitting I’m a carer, just wanted to reach out to make contact with other carers

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Hi SJ1 - welcome to the Forum. You’ll find us (mostly) a friendly and welcoming bunch - as long as some of us are well caffeinated anyway :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If you have any questions or are worried about anything/need guidance or support then feel free to ask away. There is usually someone who has similar experiences and has knowledge.

I care for my husband who suffered a stroke in dec 21 and has had a cascade of health issues ever since including cardiac, respiratory, prostate cancer, continence problems - you name it, we’ve dealt with it. Currently in hospital having been diagnosed with COPD - him not me - and been pretty poorly with hallucinations and all sorts.

Becoming an unpaid Carer isnt something many of us would choose and we lost our business when G had his stroke so our income stopped as well. I’ve been on a vertical learning curve since then and it’s Bl^^dy hard sometimes. However, I’ve made friends on here and I can assure you that you can always rely on support from this ‘mob’… If you fancy joining in with some general chat you might like to check out the “Roll Call” thread which is where we have a general gossip (chat over the garden fence is one description) and we check in with one another and exchange news and stuff. Perhaps see you there and if you just want to ‘lurk’ to find out what its all about thats fine - you can share as much or as little as YOU feel comfortable with.

I’m currently sitting in G’s hospital room as he is dozing but wakes up and isnt sure where he is. All the staff now know I am his husband and I help him with meals, give him tablets, oversee his nebuliser and a host of things, so I am part of the furniture now. Cant wait to get him home and not have the daily travelling though!