Hi everyone, new here I’m currently caring for my wife and receiving carers allowance and not yet moved onto universal credit, However i did get the letter quite a while ago stating everyone would be moved onto it very soon. We have 3 children aged 11, 14 who attend school and a 16 year old who will be starting college in September all of which we receive child benefit & child tax credits for. We also receive income support. This year i would like to do something self employed just on a Weekend say for 8 hours Saturday and Sunday just to keep my mind occupied whilst my wife’s parents comes round and sits in.
My question is, Am i able to do this on carers allowance? I know i will obviously have to declare all earnings ect but is there a certain amount of hours I’m allowed to work or have to work?
Also I now know there is something called the minimum income floor does this apply to me with me been on carers allowance and only can work a certain amount of hours with having other responsibilities, Or a certain amount of money i am allowed to earn without my benefits been affected?
I did have my own business self employed years ago however this was full time before the wife was ill and all seems to have all changed from then.
Thanks for any help you have got