I am in receipt of carer’s allowance for my mother. Due to my age and health I am getting to the point where I can no longer provide the 35 hours per week necessary for receipt. Is it possible for me to use the allowance to pay someone to help me, or does it have to be me who does the 35 hours? My mother has savings of just a few thousand over the £14000 cut off for free care and refuses to use her money to pay for care.
I would be grateful for any advice.
Yes. You can ask the council.
Hi & welcome Julie
Are you sure you will be doing less don’t forget it’s not just about providing physical care but (emotional) support. Remember to include all the running around for appointments speaking to professionals etc. I am sure you will still be doing these hours once you think about the time spent.
Has Mum had a needs assessment and you a carers assessment. If not get this done before you decide to stop your carers allowance. The needs assessment for Mum will identify care she needs and Social Service should help. There would be a financial assessment done at the same time. This doesn’t necessarily mean Mum will have to pay but she could possible contribute. I do feel it’s unfair on you that your Mum to blanketly refuse to pay for her care. You are allowed you own life and should not be burdened or an expectation you will sort everything out.
Dear Julie_220712345
Hi im Kristie i am a voluntary online community host for Carers UK Forum. I am sure that the other carers will be able to offer you support and advice for your problem with carers allowance but i would also like to mention that Carers UK have a helpline which if you gave the helpline a ring you might get to the answer of your problem. Do think about giving the helpline a ring.
So, welcome to the Forum! You are not alone in your caring role, and i am sure that many on here will understand exactly how you feel and will offer you the support that you need. Caring can be very lonely and the pandemic has made caring responsibilities challenging as many carers have been socially restricted and unable to attend social groups etc.
Carers UK are running two online weekly meet ups for carers and you can find the information on how to register at:- Care For A Cuppa:- Online meetups | Carers UK. The second online weekly meet up is called:-Share And Learn:-Share and Learn | Carers UK.
Our telephone number is 0808 808 7777 and the line is open from Monday to Friday between the hours of 9am-6pm. Our email address is (advice@carersuk.org).
They provide information and guidance to unpaid carers. This covers:-
-Benefits And Financial Support
-Your Rights As A Carer In The Workplace
-Carers Assessments And How To Get Support In Your Caring Role
-Services Available To Carers And The People You Care For
-How To Complain Effectively And Challenge Decisions
Best Wishes
Carer’s allowance is not means tested, which means that you do not have to prove how much money you or your partner have. However, you must have a caring responsibility for someone aged 16 or over who has paid National Insurance and either: is getting one of the following benefits: Constant Attendance Allowance at the higher rate, the daily living component of Personal Independence Payment, Armed Forces Independence Payment, Constant Attendance Allowance at the higher rate, the daily living component of Occupational and Personal Pension, Industrial Injuries Disabled Benefit or Disabled Pension? At the time you claim, you must be in Great Britain or serving abroad in the Armed Forces, or you must have your only place of residence in Great Britain.