Carer has cancer

My father is my mums full time carer. He’s just had a colonoscopy bag fitted and it’s obviously effected him mentally and physically. He looks after my mum whose immobile and has diabetes, neuropathy and a partial stroke. I’m not quite sure how mentally sound she is at the moment as she takes a lot of medication. She’s currently in a respite home while my dad recovers but needs 2/3 carers to help wash her ect. Although technically shes now in hospital after a week as she’s refusing to eat and drink. She seems to think she can come back home but I don’t think my dad can physically do it anymore. She’s even offered to care for my dad! Just wanted some advice.

No, she can’t go back home with him as he is. The hospital should have checked if it was safe to send him home, did they arrange his 6 weeks free Reablement Care? What is his likely future?
Mum should have an NHS Continuing Healthcare Assessment, and Social Services should be helping both of them!

It should be like this, but do doctors always follow protocol? How can a person with oncology who has to undergo chemotherapy take care of a bedridden person with a whole bunch of pathologies? Social services must address this issue so that every patient receives appropriate care.