Can anybody help? Benefits for being a carer etc URGENT

Hi There

Can anybody help please i am a 50 year old male carer to my grandfather (6 YEARS NOW)

I live with him, i get zero restbite and im struggling now with my mental health i suffer with BPD Grandad is 94

i have just lost my carers allowance as i applied for ESA and apparently u cant have both hence why i applied as on low income.
Applied also for PIP this is now at Tribunal stage since june 2021 as i applied for this to help me get help with my mental health
as i struggle a lot , still no idea if i will be successful as i tryed to put my case forward as clearly as possible to the DWP
but as i am stating i struggle because of my mental state everyday they deem this not a good enough reason as tasks can still be carried out albeit with a daily struggle.

No help from Universal credit in light of all of this as was referred to CAB i am absolutely bloody sick to that back teeth now with the DWP Etc Etc

if anybody can offfer me any salvation or advice i would be grateful as at the end of he day i cant just finish and go home i live with him and it is doing me in on all levels.

Many Thanks

private email address removed by moderator to protect poster’s privacy

Hi Matthew, welcome to the forum.

Can I start by saying you are a wonderful grandson to your grandad, but it seems like your own life is being sacrificed in the process.

Do you have any other relatives, helping, or not?

We need to understand a bit more about grandad’s position to be able to give you best advice.

What is wrong with grandad, how much help do you have to give him?
Do you ever feel “off duty”?
Does he own or rent his property?
Does he have over £23,000 in savings (the cut off point for Social Services help).
Has he had a Social Services Needs Assessment in the last year?
Have you had a Carers Assessment from Social Services?
When did you last have a holiday?

Hello Matthew

Can I suggest you remove your email address. If forum members wish to make contact they can private message you.

And It might be an idea to change you name.

Hi Matthew. Welcome to the forum.

Your best bet is to contact your local CAB. Otherwise it’s worth contacting the CUK Helpline: it’s available on 0808 808 7777 from Monday to Friday, 9am – 6pm or you can contact them by email ( They can help provide support and guidance on benefits and a wide range of other issues too.