Hi There
Can anybody help please i am a 50 year old male carer to my grandfather (6 YEARS NOW)
I live with him, i get zero restbite and im struggling now with my mental health i suffer with BPD Grandad is 94
i have just lost my carers allowance as i applied for ESA and apparently u cant have both hence why i applied as on low income.
Applied also for PIP this is now at Tribunal stage since june 2021 as i applied for this to help me get help with my mental health
as i struggle a lot , still no idea if i will be successful as i tryed to put my case forward as clearly as possible to the DWP
but as i am stating i struggle because of my mental state everyday they deem this not a good enough reason as tasks can still be carried out albeit with a daily struggle.
No help from Universal credit in light of all of this as was referred to CAB i am absolutely bloody sick to that back teeth now with the DWP Etc Etc
if anybody can offfer me any salvation or advice i would be grateful as at the end of he day i cant just finish and go home i live with him and it is doing me in on all levels.
Many Thanks
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