I haven’t been on this forum for a while as things seem to be ticking along nicely, but lately I am in need of some advice and really wondered, ok my question is, how often are you requested to buy and provide new clothes for your mother/father who is currently in a home?
My mother has now been in the home for just over two years now, she has dementia but other then that is in perfect health, its just the brain that gives up eventually, like the body snatchers, which is the sad thing, anyway I digress, I took her clothes from home when she was first admitted, and last year I bought her some slippers, a couple of pairs of trousers and bra vests, as requested, but I was there yesterday and i was asked to purchase and bring her some clothes for best, for when the carers take them out, be it for a pub lunch, go to the park or when they hold events, as her other clothes are worn out .
Don’t get me wrong, i don’t mind as it’s my mother and I would do anything for her, I just am questioning it I suppose due to our ever rising cost in living situation, thank god is all I can say that I work Part time, for which I took a huge wage cut from full time to part time, as I was facing redundancy, another reason i question this, I got a call yesterday from the optician who gave my mother an eye test and phoned me up with a bill of £323, which will be for some better glasses for her as her eyesight deteriorated rapidily, I asked for the invoice for a breakdown of the costs, so what with that and now being asked to get some clothes it is like a double whammy financial wise for me, I am also doing this alone without much financial support, as even though I just work 16 hours my income from my job stops me getting fthis, they deem me as rich
I wish.
Thus back to my question, have you guys, and ladies, known this?