A Carers UK Membership Card

I hear there is a Carers UK membership card. Does anyone know where to find it?

Me and my dad are carers for my mother.
Me when my dad does volunteering at a Homeless Charity and My dad is the full time carer.

I’m 23 years old.

Hi Leia … seasons greetings … welcome to the canteen.

A Carer’s card ?

In short , not one accepted nationwide despite requests dating back on the very first forums in 2004.

Several old threads spell out what is available out there … one very limited use card from the Carers Trust springs to mind … many older ones detailed within the follow thread :

That posting is a mere 46 days old … as I type.

In an ideal word . there would be a Swiss army knife type card for carers … identification / free travel pass / even credit card
for a Carers Credit Union / discounts on entry fees as per those available to some of our carees … still , that’s pie in the sky
as far as anyone out there connected to CarerLand is concerned.

Hi Leia

Up until around five years ago (when Carers UK members had the option to pay a subscription for their membership) we did issue membership cards. However, since making membership free to all members we have around 550 carers, former carers and supporters joining each month and it would be too expensive to produce and post cards to all of these people.

If you’d like proof of your membership, you could print off the welcome email which will contain your membership number.

Some local authorities also produce carers’ passports so I’d check with your council or local carers’ service about this. To find out about carers’ services in your area see our directory below.


Carers UK were involved in setting up the Carers Passports website below which provides information and guidance for local authorities/services on setting up a passport scheme.

I hope this helps to answer your question


Carers Passport Scheme ?

Thanks for that , Michael … interesting ?

One category missed off … food banks ?

Given the number of family / kinship carers passing through their doors … in excess of 100,000 for the year ended 31 December 2017 … any reason why they are excluded ???

On behalf of the 7.8 MILLION carer army , treat this as the annual request for a nationwide carers card.

One along these lines ideal :

Subtle variation on the standard twirly card.

2019 now done … every year since 2004 … diarise forward to repeat the same request in 2020.