What are my rights as an informal carer

I care for my partner who has Alzheimer’s. Social services want to set up a meeting with my partner and a social worker prior to carrying out a needs assessment but don’t wish any family members to be present. Can we refuse to cooperate with this? Would my partner need to put in writing that he doesn’t want to be alone when this meeting takes place? am I able to refuse on his behalf. We have a Power of Attorney for Health and Welfare in place, although he is still considered to have capacity.
I would appreciate any help wiht this. thank you

If you have Power of Attorney that’s wonderful.
You don’t have to ask his permission, legally they must treat you as if you were him.
What do you think they are trying to do?

I have made a formal complaint about how a previous social worker conducted a needs assessment without taking into account my partner’s wishes. They are avoiding escalating my complaint after 9 weeks with no resolution while saying that a new assessment with a different social worker will help to resolve my complaint, but I believe they have a different agenda.

If he is considered to have mental capacity - then he can ask to have you there. If they are now claiming he doesn’t have mental capacity to make this decision then you can be there as you have POA. I don’t trust social care either. Unless they are trying to pull the safeguarding card (and they haven’t said this) they have no grounds to exclude you. Your husband has the right to have an advocate at the assessment, and that can be you or a trained advocate.

You could contact Carers Uk helpline for advice

Our telephone Carers UK Helpline service is available Monday to Friday, 9am-6pm on 0808 808 7777 (excluding Bank Holidays). Alternatively, you can contact our Helpline service by emailing advice@carersuk.org at any time

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Thank you very much for this info. That’s really helpful. I’ll email Carers UK tomorrow too.