Vaccine side effects

I had the AZ 1st dose and along with headaches, chills, aches and fatigue for about 4 days I developed a rash that spread across about half of my body over the succeeding days. It was very very itchy and lasted about a month. Calamine lotion was the thing that worked best but my skin is still needing extra care 6 weeks later. Not complaining though and very keen to have my second jab! Interesting that rashes are common with Covid too and it definitely felt like an immune response. Family and friends who have had the Pfizer and Moderna reported hardly any side effects at all, just a little bit colder than normal with the former.

I think it very much depends on a person’s DNA with the AZ vaccine or any vaccine for that matter. It’s how you personally work inside. For me, it was terrible muscle aching the first time around, leading to not being able to walk for 3 weeks. This second jab I have had no side effects at all.
My daughter had the Pfizer one and she felt very ill both times and my son had a rare reaction to the AZ and probably won’t be able to get his second one because of it. It’s individual how it affects a person.

Two doctors confirmed my son can’t have his second vaccine.

I’ve had my second jab and did not experience any side effects like the first. Having discuss the side effects of the first jab before receiving my second. As I suspected it was due to the way I was injected first time around.

Apparently, I may have been injected in to or near a bone. This time I was injected in the top of the arm. No feeling or mark and no swelling. So in future I will request jab near to the top of my arm not in the middle. Like wise for the flu injection which I had a rash last year but not the year before.

Thank you sunny disposition for sharing that with us.

We had Moderna vaccine and had headaches and fever, chills. But it all depends on individuals body. How your body reacts to it.forpc jiofi.local.html

I had the Pfizer and had mild arm numbing but other than that, all good.

My wife had the Pfizer vaccine, shot 1 and no after effects, then shot 2 and is still ill two months later. Blood test taken and high platelets diagnosed. Swollen neck gland (same side as vaccine injection) and feeling nauseous and having to take 3 ibuprofen a day to help. Has anyone suffered this also and what helped this go away. Any info appreciated, thank you. My wife is a healthy slim 60 year old lady who takes regular exercise classes and is fit.

It might be a good idea to add your post to the above thread.

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…and fill in the form on the link in the first post, (which was the sole purpose of the post initially). :slight_smile:

All these side reactions are very individual. My hand just ached at the injection site, there was no inflammation, no headache, nothing like that.

Hi everyone, I’m new to the forum.

My arm was a slight sore for a day after I got my 1st vaccine (Pfizer). A few days later, I started to feel numbness in my arms. Sitting or sleeping in the same position is not the cause of it. I feel like it most of the time, no matter what I’m doing.

Has anyone suffered from these side effects also? I hope it won’t stay that way…

In most cases, discomfort from pain or fever is a normal sign that your body is building protection. Contact your doctor or healthcare provider: If the redness or tenderness where you got the shot gets worse after 24 hours. If your side effects are worrying you or do not seem to be going away after a few days.

i had minor side effects in oxford vaccine.

It all depends upon the individual person like how it will react to your body. I had the moderna vaccine first doze. jiofi.local.html

A lot of people made vaccine. And they are safe now. So what is the problem, i don’t understand. :huh:

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