U am new

Hi finding this difficult. Not yet tec savy. Anyway I am steph.I am a full time carer for my husband who has primary progressive ms. He was diagnosed in 2008 and needed full time care from around 2013. So have been doing this for a bit. Someone thought this would be good so I am giving it a go. I wish all the best for everyone this new year.
Sorry having read other new posts i would like to tell you a little more about us.( I wasn’t sure how much detail to give). My husband is bed bound doubly incontinent and dependent on tube feeding (peg) . It has been hard to fight for care and dealing with the incompetence of the hospital. Pip assessments and the nhs continuing care stuff we really have been through the wringer! Now faced with phb ? Does anyone know about this? Also feel a bit isolated as a carer. Friends are brilliant but there is a limit to how much you can say to them. Also I guess you all know the I’m on my knees 3am feeling (at that point I feel so alone). So I’m a lass who has been carering for a while and may have some help or support to offer as well receive.

Hi Stephanie … welcome to an extremely quiet forum.

PHB … Personal Health Budget ?

What is a personal health budget? - NHS


What is a personal health budget?

A personal health budget is an amount of money to support your health and wellbeing needs, which is planned and agreed between you (or someone who represents you), and your local NHS team. It is not new money, but it may mean spending money differently so that you can get the care that you need.

A personal health budget allows you to manage your healthcare and support such as treatments, equipment and personal care, in a way that suits you. It works in a similar way to personal budgets, which allow people to manage and pay for their social care needs.

Who can get it ?

The right to have a personal health budget applies to people who are:

adults receiving NHS continuing healthcare (NHS-funded long-term health and personal care provided outside hospital).

children receiving NHS continuing healthcare

wheelchair users who are referred and meet the eligibility criteria of their local wheelchair service, plus people who are already registered with the wheelchair service (these people will be eligible for a personal wheelchair budget when they need a new wheelchair).

adults with mental health problems who are receiving after-care as a result of being sectioned under the Mental Health Act.

If you are not in a group that has a right to a personal health budget, but you are interested in receiving one, speak to your local clinical commissioning group (CCG). CCGs make the arrangements for personal health budgets and are encouraged to offer them to other patient groups. Find your local CCG.

From the above , CHC / NHS Continuing Healthcare in operation ?

Main thread :


In theory , a 5 star nursing / caring service provide by the local CHC Unit of the NHS.

… and FREE at the point of delivery.

Problems mentioned.

Care to expand on these ?

Others will be along to extend their welcomes.

Hi Stephanie, welcome to the forum.

did you ask for a PHB, or were you told you were getting one? Were you offered a payroll service, or a fund manager?