Hi everyone,
I’m a new member and am a carer for my elderly mother who has dementia as well as mobility issues. I was looking for advice regarding repairs/servicing for two Stannah 600 model straight stairlifts which are now out of warranty. Both stairlifts were purchased new from Stannah and installed just over two and a half years ago but the warranty expired in April of this year unknown to me. One of the stairlifts now requires urgent repair and I contacted Stannah regarding extended warranty cover but the costs quoted by the company seemed rather high and I wanted to check whether anyone could recommend any reputable independent stairlift engineers in the Glasgow area who can repair Stannah stairlifts and also source/supply genuine Stannah parts for the repairs & servicing. My initial research on purchasing stairlift extended repair warranties seemed to suggest that they were a rip off as the stairlift companies were very proactive in pushing them with customers. Your advice would be greatly appreciated.