Should Family carers be paid a minimum wage?

Sorry for the long post, but I found this on a regional FB page and thought, Oh, I do 90% of that and I am totally UNPAID! I appreciate the work any paid carer does and they deserve at the very least a minimum wage for their caring work, but there are literally thousands of family members who are left to care for their relatives and if they qualify might get the measly sixty seven quid a week the Govt say is enough!!! I think we should be paid minimum wage too!

As far as I’m concerned the poor care workers have been ignored and forgotten about during this pandemic! They do just as much as NHS workers and its time it was recognised the trauma these workers have experienced on a daily basis looking after the elderly and vulnerable is horrific while putting themselves and their families at huge risk everyday.
This is something very close to my heart and it is about time these people were given the money and recognition they truly deserve
So SUPPORT WORKERS OR CARE ASSISTANT/WORKERS don’t deserve more than minimum wage
Apparently it’s because they “only sit around and make cups of tea for people” and it’s an unskilled job?!?!?
I can give you a list off the top of my head to show what care workers actually have to do, and I can bet it’s not even half of it.

  1. Washes
  2. Showers/baths
  3. Dressing
  4. Shaving
  5. Apply creams
  6. Brushing hair/teeth
  7. Changing incontinence pads
    :sunglasses: > Emotional support when they’re sad
  8. Giving them company, sometimes we’re the only people they see all day
  9. Giving medication, even the likes of controlled drugs
  10. Hoists, stand aids, getting the person from A to B
  11. Reassure them when they’re frightened, calming them down when they’re irritated
  12. Cleaning their homes
  13. Take them out to socialise
  14. Shopping calls
  15. Chase up medication
  16. Call GP’s when new medication/cream may be needed
  17. Arrange appointments
  18. Make their meals and drinks
  19. Catheter care
  20. Stoma care
  21. Answer all their emergency response calls
  22. Handle their finances, in some cases
  23. Remain calm and professional when they’re hurling verbal and sometimes physical abuse at you
  24. Apologise when they insult the care staff, even though it’s not our fault
  25. Take them to the hospital when needed
  26. Toilet calls
  27. Feeding them
  28. Turning them onto each side if bed ridden, to avoid sores
  29. Battling with 111 and Doctors when you know they need to be checked over
  30. Dementia care
  31. Alzheimers care
  32. Parkinsons care
  33. Many various illnesses and disease care
  34. End of life care
  35. Supporting families, reassuring them and keeping them informed of everything happening with their relative
  36. Dealing with family complaints and apologising even though the situation was often 99% out of your control
  37. Pushing people in wheelchairs, along with all their shopping bags when they’re out
  38. Acting fast when someone shows symptoms of a stroke, heart attack, fits, various other conditions
  39. Keeping people calm when they have fell, assuring them that help is on the way and they need to lay still as possible
  40. Recognising when the person you visit numerous times a week is acting out of sorts. Acting upon it and seeking advice because you KNOW that’s not their usual self.
  41. Having the patient of a saint. We’re busy, but we don’t and can’t rush. We go at their pace. Always
  42. Washing and drying, folding and ironing, putting away clothes
  43. Making sure they’re wearing their emergency help button, so that you’re confident they can press it should they need help once you’re gone. It’s not always easy. People can refuse, or throw it away.
  44. When a person won’t take medication they critically need, you have no solution, but you need to BE that solution. Figure out ways you can get them to converse with you and listen, so they will take the tablets that will keep their health stable.
  45. We’re sometimes verbally and physically abused. We get called all the names under the sun, sometimes we get punched, slapped, kicked and bit, they pull our hair or lash out. It’s not always their fault, illnesses can cause this behaviour. We just have to remove ourselves from the environment and report.
  46. We can go hours with no break
  47. Sometimes we have to hold our bladder for 2+ hours because we literally don’t have time for the toilet
  48. Our calls list is full, but someone calls for help, we need to find ways we can get to them as well as doing everything else we need to do
  49. We don’t complain. Our job is hard. Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we’re reduced to tears.
  50. arriving to find the person has passed away and arrange 999 response and stay with the deceased until they have been taken away by emergency services or family have arrived after you have had to inform them
    ALL THIS We do it all for minimum wage
    we DEFINITELY know we deserve so much more, but we still do it anyway.

In September 2004 I raised these points at the CUK AGM, as part of a motion proposing that CA equates to the NMW. Passed almost unanimously.
No real action since, in the following 16 years.

That is shocking BB!

The Care Act says everyone can have Direct Payments so that they can choose who supports them, including friends and family! Not councils ignore this. So my son with a £900 a week care package, can’t choose me to support him to work on our prize winning steam engines at steam rallies, but will pay care staff to sit and watch TV!