Safe restraint

My 18 year old son has very violent meltdowns. There are no obvious triggers and no de-escalation technique works.

We had to call the police last night as we could not physically stop him. I was later taken to hospital for treatment for bites.

The only thing the police offered was to handcuff him. Not wanting that, is there any safe restraint training, techniques or equipment I can use to prevent further injury

Your local social services is responsible for making sure you have appropriate training: something they don’t advertise well. I suggest you contact them first and let them know that the current situation is a safeguarding concern as you suffered potentially serious injuries due to a lack of training and your son’s uninhibited behaviour issues

In Hampshire, the LD Health Team, not SSD, now have a dedicated “Challenging Behaviour Team”. I was at a meeting where they gave a talk, and apparently they have very positive results.

Have you heard of

You don’t say if your son may have a learning disability.

Challenging behaviour foundation