RCGP - Royal College of General Practitioners website


A long time ago I put this link on the CUK forum.
I make no apology for giving the link again, because a recent member has said his GP doesn’t know anything about how to identify a carer.

(I’ve just tried the link again, there seems to be a problem. Details to follow).

There is also a wealth of information on the RCGP website about end of life plans etc. etc. that many seem to be totally unaware of!

BB, this link opens the website https://www.rcgp.org.uk

This leads to information on Carers for GPs https://www.rcgp.org.uk/system-pages/search-results.aspx?keywords=carers

but not sure if you were thinking of a particular resource?


I copied the link from an email I sent to my own GP Practice Manager several years ago, it was a 5-7 page detailed policy for GP’s to follow in their management of carers health.
The manager thanked me for it, and admitted that he was unaware of a lot of it, and they would use it during the practice merger with another practice.
Of course since then, we’ve had Covid etc. I’ll try and do some more digging in the next couple of days.
However, your link can lead members to the end of life strategy etc. They are really good, but GP’s seem totally unaware of them!!!