Protected Characteristic report

Carers UK has published a new report which calls on the Government to review the Equality Act 2010 and introduce caring as a protected characteristic.
Our research found that many unpaid carers have experienced discrimination or harassment. In the workplace, 22% of carers said they had experienced unfair or unfavorable treatment, with nearly a quarter of carers in employment (24%) saying that they had difficulties meeting their employer’s requirements because of their caring role.
Although the Equality Act 2010 makes it unlawful to directly discriminate against or harass someone who is associated with someone with a protected characteristic, the law is poorly understood and implemented.
Many unpaid carers often feel invisible, overlooked and undervalued. 55% of people responding to Carer’s UK’s survey said they need better understanding and recognition of carers from the general public.
Carers UK is now calling for caring to be made a protected characteristic by updating the Equality Act 2010. Introducing caring as a protected characteristic would strengthen carers’ rights to protection from discrimination and harassment, and because the protected characteristics are well-known it would further raise the profile of carers.
Making caring the 10th protected characteristic report | Carers UK

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How can unpaid carers be better protected. I asked for my Carers Assessment to be updated over a year ago still no action, despite reminders. They seem to think I have to wait until my son has a new assessment, do that then do mine afterwards. Wrong!


I requested an updated Carer’s Assessment. I was told there is a backlog and it will be at least six months before I will hear more. It’s 18 months now since my last one was done - which was totally botched and I received a letter containing lies and mis-truths. What hope is there of greater recognition for Unpaid Carers when they can’t even get the basics right now?

@bowlingbun you’ve said before that you have evidence of Legal Duties being ignored repeatedly, so I really can’t see changes happening.

@CUK_Membership_Team @Michael_CarersUK
I understand that this legislation is needed, but what I’ve learnt from all the experience here in the Carers Forum is that the existing Care Act 2014 isn’t enforced or implemented as it was written. It’s why Access to Social care (the organisation helping with cases) and your collaboration with them AccessAva is needed

It would be good to see recommendations to enforce/advise reforms around enforcing existing AND new legislation I have less faith things will change.
The question for me is HOW will the laws be regulated and enforced
Right now the burden of proof and complaints are ALL on the shoulders of the victim

E.g. For the equality act 2010 for work…Busineses Promoting and applying process for protecting needs is great but without penalties/objective regular regulation by business ombudsman etc legislation won’t be enforced

Example: Care health act 2014 and the CQC
Recent complaints July 26th report: Government acts after report highlights failings at regulator - GOV.UK.

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