ONTHEVERGE - I'm back with a second account!

Hi everyone.

I’ve had to create a new account because no one from Carers Connect was getting back to me on how to reset my proper account - ontheverge.

I can’t reply to my own post because I don’t have the privilege to do so yet. Does anyone know how long it will take?

I’ve missed you guys and chatting to you. Hopefully I can reply to my own thread soon - my caring dilemma.

Best wishes,

Hi Ontheverge, I have emailed Michael and the general members carers Uk email about this.


Welcome back OTV. Nice to have you back in the fold. How are things going?

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Hi @ontheverge / @ontheverge2
I had a reply from Lucy on Thursday that the Comms team were looking into your issue. Please post once resolved so I know not to chase.

Ontheverge’s original thread is here