OLDER CARERS - Carers Week

During Carers Week, the focalpoint for today is supporting ‘older carers’. You can find out what support is available once you’ve reached pension age here: Benefits for carers who are pension age | Carers UK

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For those under pension age entitled to Carers Allowance, they are entitled to it as they do the caring, regardless of assets. So why is it that those over pension age can’t have it, regardless of assets? Caring over pension age, especially if you are a widow/er is far, far harder. We deserve more help, not less. My son gets no extra help although I can’t do as much as I used to with him. Some holidays used to involve 1,000 miles in total, now a round trip to his flat and back, just 30 miles, guarantees a bad night’s sleep due to arthritis. Social Services now have an “older parents group” but it doesn’t begin to address future planning for when we are dead. Why not?!


Absolutely spot on @bowlingbun

They seem to think when a person reaches retirement age, that they somehow can magically live without the benefits they were previously entitled to, as though we’ve all got access to huge private pensions!

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The theory is that you can only claim one “income related” benefit. However, my best friend and her husband are free to go on endless holidays, whilst I’m endlessly dealing with my son’s affairs. I’ve recently discovered a massive issue with aspects of his care which may apply equally to many others. No “free as a bird” for me in my retirement. No CA either!

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BB things need to change for the better.
I want our adult children to have fun and feel part of things like your son on the steam roller. Narrative from another thread.
I am saddened that carers allowance stops when you receive state pension, so many pensioners are struggling with being carers and struggling financially.
That will be me when I eventually retire.
V tough times

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