my wife and i

Hi carers uk as you know I am a main carer for my wife who has bipolar disorder , my wife had tummy pain in around 2014 contacted 111 who then arranged for my wife to see a out of hrs doctor who said that she had acid ingestion didn’t think much to it until I got the meds for her and she became violantely sick several times , a ambulance was called done blood tests my wife was said to have
gallstone pancreatitis with respiratory failure my wife ended up in intensive care unit , due to my mental health and my chronic pain I was told to go home and take my pain killers the dr who said it made me feel suicidal as I have taken overdoses in the past . on visiting my wife in intensive care unit she said to me don’t worry I am not going to die but I was very worried I was looking at costs of funerals as she was not insured at the time , my wife came out of intensive care unit and she went back to medical unit and I was visiting her 3 times a day I was concerned about her mental health I told staff I told drs in charge of her they was not worried my wife was discharged within 6 days of discharge my wife became violent and I was beaning hit and kicked i have also been sexually abused but like everyone who is a carer we cant help careing for our loved ones no matter what . she was readmitted under
dept. of psychiatry again I was visiting her 3 times a day until she came home…

in 2016 my wife had a infection at home although 111 was called ambulances were called out no one knew how seriously ill my wife was until she collapsed at home , in the end my wife had a blood clot on her lunge , water retention , phenuma , again she went to hospital and treated again I pointed out to staff about her mental health no one took any notice my wife was put under adult social care safe guarding and there for was in hospital for a total of 4 months and then she went to a nursing home to recoup before coming home I saw my wife again for 3 times again in hospital and nursing home no one took any notice as the problem was down to mental health , while she was in hospital other patients tried to help her in calling a nurse as she wanted to go to the toilet staff did not take any notice of her and there for she had to wet or poo all over the ward floor . when the nursing staff got her out of bed and in to a chair my wife went back to bed and I told staff and all they said was it was her choice and laughed… while she was in nursing home my wife was getting a lot of bruising around her body I was concerned but in the end it was again down to her mental health

there has been several issues that we have had to put up with over the 24 yrs we have known each other several complaint’s made towards staff from hospital , dr surgery’s , mental health , adult social care , all though we contact seap about the complaints they do investigate but all we get is a letter to say sorry it wont happen again which puts up my stress levels as I have said to the hospital involved at the time “ how many people have to die or suffer before you learn from your mistakes “ because they are still making mistakes in the NHS and people are still suffering … and now even we have had letter from ambulance head quarter and phone call from dr surgery about calling ambulance we said its not us it is 111 who calls for ambulance so now we are very worried that we cannot get advice as we get told of for seeking help due to our health conditions …

now we have got cronoavirus around the world like a lot of people with mental health I am concerned as a lone husband and carer no help from adult social care , social services , dr surgery’s local MP , as you know I have spine problems I am cleaning , shopping , walking dog , trying to keep my wife happy all though from what I have read this problem could be going on for 18 months or until a cure or vaccine is found . I even wrote to Boris Johnson who didn’t even have the decency to reply the government has put up benefits which is a joke who can live on a extra £1 While we are in the state of emergency . I think the government should be punished for not taking action earlier as everyone is dying even children baby’s what sort of government have we got CRAP !! i have even written to the mirror newspaper without response so who cares about us the invisable carers !

I don’t really think taking about issues really solve anything from my experience we need action ! and not to say sorry it wont happen again as people are dying around us