Hi all am new to the forum but been a carer for 20 years. Seen the worst of the mental health system for one family member who is severely and enduringly mentally ill. I wondered if anyone knew or is following the new mental health bill plans. Am worried that the rights of carers to be heard may be overlooked and the rights of the very I’ll being strengthened. Have lost count of times consent and confidentiality uses to put a brick wall up in services talking to family or accepting input when a loved one is so seriously ill and paranoid they forbid staff to talk to immediate carers. This is based on four sections which need not have got to this point. No one seems to be working on the rights of carers in this hellish system but the forum may give me hope or say there is…look forward to hearing thoughts
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Hi @DonnaO
welcome to the forum.
I don’t have direct experience of caring for someone with mental health needs, but others on here do. It always seems a battle to get support, help and information.
Mind has information on the proposed Mental Health Bill;
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