Please can anyone give me advice on making meals in advance for MIL that can be reheated from frozen in microwave.
Before you say it, we have tried Wiltshire Farm meals and she doesn’t like them … tried various supermarket ready meals with same response. I have sneaked the odd Fisherman’s or Shepherd’s Pie into her freezer, with mixed results … sometimes depending on which of the homecarers prepares it for her as the sun shines out of some backsides, whilst others are a waste of space … Also tried meals delivered from local care home and they have been reported as too cold, veg too hard, meat too tough, amount too much, too spicy, had sauce which I didn’t like … and so on. MIL also has very conservative tastes … no sauce, rice, pasta, garlic, herbs … anything that is slightly “foreign” … basically meat, veg, possibly gravy and potato based would probably be acceptable.
I cook a family meal most evenings, and happy to box/plate up a portion, chuck in the freezer and drop off when we do her weekly shop, but I have never batch cooked and frozen for my family, plus will need to leave instructions for the carers, some of whom can hardly find the kitchen never mind the microwave …
Don’t want to risk making her ill with something not properly reheated, so can anyone advise a couple of foolproof meals that would survive a quick blast straight from the freezer?
At the moment the lunchtime carer gets 30 mins to toilet, clean-up (sometimes involving change of clothes) and settle her again, so we find she is surviving on sandwiches and snacks, rather than having one decent hot meal a day.
Any advice much appreciated, thanks