Hi all,
Have not posted here much lately as things have settled down, Mum in Law is in a routine and most things working well.
However, one niggling concern is her home carers not observing use by dates and possibly feeding her out of date food. MIL is chair bound, cannot walk at all so has 4 care visits a day, who deal with all her personal care and meals. We do her shopping once a week and I am very careful to get best date on perishable/fresh foods, trying to ensure they last until the our next week shopping visit, but not always possible. MIL has a list of what we buy her so she should know what is in her fridge/food cupboard on any given day, as she cannot access the kitchen to see for herself. She is not the easiest to feed - we have tried Wiltshire meals, supermarket ready meals etc, but she doesn’t like them and would rather have a sandwich. We have recently settled on tinned stew (looks horrible to me but she enjoys it) and frozen fish in sauces, but she still likes things like cooked meats, prawns etc, which all have a relatively short shelf life, plus if opened, will only last 2-3 days at most before they are past their best. With fruit, veg, bread etc, is not such a worry, but we have called in on a weekend to find the prawn pack open from the previous week and festering in the fridge, then MIL says, I fancy a prawn sandwich for lunch. When we tell her they are 3 days over so we have chucked them in the bin, she gets upset that they were wasted, but the issue of most concern is whether the lunchtime carer would have actually given them to her. A few months ago, her lifeline company called us at 3am to say she had thrown up all over her bed. When we got there, she blamed her tablets which had been changed a few days before, but then said she had a cold meat sandwich for tea … checking her fridge revealed a packet of ham, albeit out of date that day, but we had no indication how long it had been opened and it was several days since we bought it. We often find a tin of corned beef or packet of bacon open in the fridge with no idea how long its been like that.
I used to work in a kitchen and we had to label everything with the date opened and shelf life. Fridge was checked every day and anything past using was ditched. Same when I worked in a day centre - all fridges were rotated daily, anything near date was used or past, was dumped.
Surely these carers have some food safety training? I am thinking of buying food labels and asking them to use them and observe the dates better. We have already put notes on the front of the fridge to remind them to check dates and the first few disappeared until we taped it so tightly they couldn’t remove them!
Anyone had similar issues and suggest how to deal with it please.