Has anyone claimed backdated carers element

Hi, I recently got round to filling in the application for attendance allowance for the person I care for, the letter came last week and they have been awarded it from November last year and have been paid their backdated attendance allowance so that’s all ok. I then logged into my universal credit account and it shows I am now getting carers element which is great but I thought surely that should be backdated to November, I searched online and a site about caring for children says people can get carers element backdated so I assume it will apply to caring for adults also but don’t know where to start, I just wondered if anyone has had success with this before. Thanks for reading :grinning:

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Just an update in case anyone in the future had this issue and comes across this question, I called the universal credit helpline this morning and the guy said he would look into it, a couple of hours later they put a message onto my journal saying I will receive £396 back pay in 2-3 working days. They didn’t say whether it would have happened automatically or if this is a result of me raising the matter so if anyone in the future is in doubt make sure you follow it up :slight_smile:


Thank you so much for sharing this helpful information, @Skybluepink - that’s great news!

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Hi @Skybluepink - well done! I get the feeling you wouldn’t have heard anything if you hadn’t followed it up.

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Well done @Skybluepink

Great result.

Log into your Universal Credit account and send a journal message explaining that the Attendance Allowance was awarded from November and ask for the Carer’s Element to be backdated accordingly. Attach any supporting documents if you can. If they refuse or delay, you can request a mandatory reconsideration.

Plenty of people have successfully had it backdated, so it’s worth pushing for