Happy Easter hope everyone has a good day

Happy Easter
Hope everyone has a good day. Weather is not looking to bad where I am. Does anyone have a carers card I have just ordered one not sure if it was worth getting but it was 8.00 pounds for 2 years says you can use it in the cinema and you get discount in some shops maybe the only perk that you get of being a carer anyway hope everyone has a lovely Easter :hatching_chick: xx

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A very Happy Easter to you @Nikki_Anne may your day be peaceful and stress free!!! Weather here near Bristol is dry and mostly sunny. Perfect weather for dog walk this morning which was great after all the rain weā€™ve had.

There has been a lot of discussion about the Carers Card on various threads with some saying it is great and others not so impressed. I cannot recall if there was a consensus. I suppose it depends where one lives and whether enough businesses in the area support it with discount.

Locally our Carerā€™s Emergency Card can get me discount, but Iā€™ve noticed the majority of the shops seem to be ladies hairdressers - and a few barbers - which isnā€™t much help to me as we have a barber come to us with her clippers once a month.

Itā€™d be interesting to get another view once you get the card.

Thanks for the information thought I would just get it and see what happens didnā€™t realise u canā€™t get into the cinema unless the person is with you oh well I can only try it see what happens. Still waiting to find a care home for my dad think there is one with a space but just waiting to see if my dad qualifies for nhs continuing healthcare cause of his cancer im off to Morecambe for a break next weekend will need it as my dad goes to clatterbridge to see the consultant when I come back which is going to be upsetting for me xx


Oh the devil is always in the small print- isnā€™t it?!!

Have a great time in Morecambe. I am still trying to get someone to stay with G while I get a break in May. The Carer who looked after my Mum years ago has retired and I thought she would be ideal (she came to help with Grahamā€™s Mum when his parents stayed with us for her final Christmas so Graham knows how nice and kind she is. Unfortunately sheā€™s got roped in to helping a neighbour who has terminal cancer - and the family are telling everyone Lorraine is looking after her 24/7 now!! A friend has asked them if Lorraine knows that and has agreed!!! (The answer is no they havenā€™t and nether has she, but she wont leave the lady in the lurch!) What a cheek to simply EXPECT it. I would at least ask first lol. She was blunt about the situation and said she will probably be free before long if a hospice place opens up or something else happens.

I have a friend visiting tomorrow and am going to ask him if he would consider staying as G doesnā€™t need ā€œcareā€ but rather someone around in case of fall or blackout and to be around when he showers in case of a fall. After that itā€™s just if he would be OK with changing pads on the bed if needed and making G some food (heā€™s a chef so thatā€™s not an issue!) He keeps saying he ā€œowes meā€ for help and support over the last year - not that I am keeping a note of anything like that - so he may say yes. Iā€™d love a week away with Buster, doing our own thing - pub meals, walks, and no responsibility or worry!!