Hi all,
Something bad is on the cards, and as a carer I will be unable to care for maybe as long as month. The person I care for does not want other people in their home because they have had horrible experiences with care staff stealing and such.
The only option seems to be an emergency respite in a care home placement. Does anyone have any idea how to go about arranging this? Preferable without involving social services because my caree is currently facing being forced into a care home anyway and this will tip the balance in SS’s favour.
Any help advice would be a big help. No family or friends to turn to to step in or anything.
Hey AJ
Sorry to hear you are having a tough time. When we needed emergency respite for my Dad we arranged it through social services, they had a list of all the homes with respite beds which was helpful. They also paid for some of the care (not all as we were self funding, but we were entitled to a week or so for free (this was a few years ago now tho).
If you want to avoid social services, then you can absolutely arrange the care direct with a local care home. You will need to ring round and see who has a respite bed. You will then want to go and see the home and meet the manager to see if it is suitable. You should be able to view the facilities, talk to residents and visitors etc. They will then want to do a needs assessment with the cared for person to ensure they can meet their needs, they will usually come out and do this at home. Or you might want to take them in to have a look. Your caree will then obviously have to pay for the respite care if not funding by social services.
Hope you get it sorted.
Your needs matter!
You must put yourself first.